Frosty WooldridgeMuslims cannot help bombing and terrorizing their way into the 21st century. Islam’s basic meaning remains: submission of all other religions to the tenents of their prophet Mohammed.
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Muslims cannot help bombing and terrorizing their way into the 21st century. Islam’s basic meaning remains: submission of all other religions to the tenents of their prophet Mohammed.
Ashurst: A Border Manifesto
Read LetterThe report did not highlight the fact that over $300b of assets held by the Fund were in fact contributions from illegal aliens. As much as 13% of the Funds holdings are tainted. Without this funny money the Fund would today be running substantial...
Is this what it will finally come down to in Arizona?
In response to criticism that the new law would promote racial profiling, Brewer created a legal defense fund to give the cops some cover. Now the fund is more than $2 million, a Brewer spokeswoman says, and much of that is coming from people outside
“Islam is like a wrench that moves only in one direction: theirs!”
In the new suit, the Justice Department says Phoenix-area Maricopa Community Colleges discriminated against almost 250 noncitizen job applicants by requiring them to fill out more documents than the law requires to prove their eligibility to work.
An incomprehensible 42 million Americans cannot read, write or perform simple math. Another 50 million Americans cannot read past the 4th grade level. (Source: National Right to Read Foundation)
Today in America, we feature for the first time in history--honor killings, female genital mutilation and arranged marriages.
Diversified U.S. manufacturer 3M Co said it would buy Cogent Inc for $943 million, paying a nearly 18 percent premium for the maker of identification systems used to screen travelers at border crossings.
I wanted to tell my story from the weekend so other Americans are more prepared than I was when traveling in Southern California and Arizona. I read some of the comments on the web page today and I think if those who supported the border patrol concerning the video shown experienced what I did, they would think different.
Read LetterThe Obama administration is moving to throw out deportation cases against thousands of illegal immigrants if the immigrants have a potential path to legal residency.
The first of 532 National Guard troops are set to begin their mission in the southern Arizona desert on Monday... although they won't have any law enforcement authority.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the Maricopa County, Arizona, man who calls himself “America’s toughest sheriff,” has until Sept. 10 to comply with a Justice Department request to explain his office’s “operations, policies and procedures” involving the arrest an
Does anyone read the US Constitution these days? American lawyers don’t read it. Federal Judge Susan Bolton apparently has never read it. Same goes for our illustrious Attorney General Eric Holder. But this lawyer has read it and she is going to show
The imminent philosopher, Emanuel Kant said, “The two great dividers are religion and language.”
This article is from July 29th, but brings up some excellent points on the issue that bears review.
"I’m no Prophet but I think its naïve to the point of stupidity to think that the anarchy that now pervades Mexico will not become increasingly present north of the Mexican border."
CNS News reports 22 states are considering passing laws that mirror Arizona's. There are a ton of questions that also need to be and haven't been answered by opponents of these laws. We take these issues head on and ask the first of a series of que
While Americans ‘thought’ immigrants spoke, acted and thought like them--a new kind of immigrant emerged. The newest ethnic tribe, Islam from the sands of the Middle East, counters everything in the Western world as to thought, religion, ethics and
Will American society, culture and language survive an added 70 million immigrants within 25 years? That will prove the most significant question for the United States in the 21st century.
The checkpoint depicted in the video above is the interim checkpoint located near kilometer post 45 on I-19 in Southern Arizona and championed by Congressional Representative Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona's 8th District.
Tales from the Southern Border, a round-up of under-reported stories happening on the U.S.-Mexican border and those who cross it illegally. How many of these stories are readers already familiar with?
Undated and incomplete."Target Date: All USCIS policies reviewed and enhanced by June 2012". It reads like a 'done deal' already...
After a bad day on the job as a Border Patrol agent, Eddie DeLaCruz went home and began discussing with his wife how to celebrate her birthday. Then he casually pressed his government-issued handgun under his chin and pulled the trigger.
“I admire your efforts, and I admire your passion,” a reader said. “I hate to say it, but I think the cause is lost. I don't say it because I think the causes you push are unjust. Far from it! I say it because the globalists have done their work very
Young and strapping, the 57 Irish immigrants began grueling work in the summer of 1832 on the Philadelphia and Columbia railroad. Within weeks, all were dead of cholera. Or were they murdered?
Homeland security chief Janet Napolitano is defending the decision by the Obama administration to pay states only a fraction of what they are owed for incarcerating illegal immigrants. “The administration has chosen to support states in a number o
Three states - Washington, New Mexico and Utah - allow illegal immigrants to get licenses because their laws do not require proof of citizenship or legal residency. An AP analysis found that those states have seen a surge in immigrants...
President Barack Obama on Friday signed into law a $600 million bill to beef up security on the U.S. border with Mexico, and his aides pressed lawmakers to set aside election-year politics and work toward broader immigration reform.