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New Zealand Herald

"My mum says that Barack Obama is taking away everybody that doesn't have papers," Daisy told the US first lady at the New Hampshire Estates Elementary School. "But my mum doesn't have papers," said Daisy, a US citizen by virtue of her birth.

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Arizona's new immigration law (SB1070) is controversial, but not for the reasons that mainstream media presents. It's controversy lies in the database collection on people, as opposed to racism- this illusion is used to create drama.

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USA Today

Arizona's new law forcing local police to take a greater role in enforcing immigration law has caused a lot of criticism from Mexico, the largest single source of illegal immigrants in the United States. But in Mexico, illegal immigrants receive t

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You know, it's like the old argument, 'Well, kids are going to have sex anyway, we might as well give them condoms'. Or, 'Kids are going to drink anyway, at least they're drinking at home where I can keep an eye on them', or some other hugely

News Link • Global Reported By Rich Hilts
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OTTAWA — Customs agents have charged a 42-year-old California man who they say tried to smuggle more than 100 weapons into the country, including a selection of vicious, cruel and unorthodox arms that would make Batman blush.

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An amazing and scary Docu-Vid by "There was an immigration protest in Downtown Atlanta in May which revealed some shocking discoveries. The speakers spoke almost entirely in Spanish, but a few speakers spoke in English and cal

News Link • Global Reported By Rich Hilts