GOP Golden Boy Gives The Most Hawkish Foreign Policy Speech Since Woodrow Wilson
• businessinsider.com, Michael Brendan DoughertyCurrently Florida Senator Marco Rubio is giving a major foreign policy speech at the Brookings Institution.
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Currently Florida Senator Marco Rubio is giving a major foreign policy speech at the Brookings Institution.
Newt Gingrich plans to formally leave the Republican presidential race next Tuesday.
We’re covering ALL 3 Ron Paul Speeches right here thru Friday
FOX News Admits Ron Paul Will Be On The Ballot at The National Convention in Tampa!
Ron Paul is questioned about going all the way to the convention...
Now three people have won Iowa during this primary season. Last night, Ron Paul’s delegate finagling strategy paid off as he guaranteed himself at least half of the delegates in Iowa and Minnesota.
The Texas congressman’s second-place finish in the delegate tally in Tuesday’s five primaries bolsters his strategy to gain enough clout to mold the GOP platform to his taste come November.
With the primary campaign essentially over, Mitt Romney has landed on a new strategy to keep him in the headlines: getting in President Barack Obama’s face at every opportunity.
Ron Paul begins a three-day campaign swing in his home state of Texas tomorrow, as he continues to make his case for the presidency on large college campuses.
Rachel Maddow shows how Ron Paul’s tactic of paying close attention to the delegate math in the Republican primary is likely to earn him first place spots in Iowa and Minnesota.
Rick Santorum's withdrawal from the race for the Republican Party's nomination for president spawned a sigh of relief that echoed from the Hollywood Hills and into every wood-paneled parents' basement in America.
Two networks yesterday, CNBC and MSNBC, broadcast a little known fact – Ron Paul appears to be winning the Republican nomination for President.
“It is very dangerous for frontrunners to start behaving like they are inevitable because the voters might decide that’s not so true."
Many Republicans said tea-party activists now understand that things will run more smoothly if those with experience are in charge rather than those who put a premium on ideology over process. “The important thing for any group in the party to unders
Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, faced with a daunting delegate disadvantage and dwindling media attention, nevertheless plans on continuing his campaign to try to change the way Washington operates.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio has moved closer to becoming Mitt Romney’s VP pick after hitting the campaign trail with the former Governor of Massachusetts in Pennsylvania, dovetailing with speculation that the secretive Bilderberg Group were set to gi
MITT ROMNEY’S contemptuous attitude toward the importance of public disclosure is increasingly troubling.
Reducing government deficits Mitt Romney's way would mean less money for health care for the poor and disabled and big cuts to nuts-and-bolts functions such as food inspection, border security and education.
Ron Paul has done it again! What has he done? Well, it is hard to believe he has done anything since it is not reported by the mainstream media
Don't tell Ron Paul and his supporters that the race for the GOP presidential nomination is over.
Texas Rep. Ron Paul reveled in hometown cheers on a campaign visit Friday to the town where he grew up, rallying voters for the all-but-forgotten Pennsylvania primary.
Newt Gingrich, whose quixotic presidential bid has been dogged by financial problems, racked up nearly $3 million in new debt for private jet flights, security consultants and travel costs in March even as his campaign teetered on the edge of collaps
Mitt Romney's presidential campaign is trying to end the deficit it's running with Latino voters by stepping up its outreach efforts.
Forget Ted Nugent's violent rhetoric; the GOP candidate has been mainstreaming the Obama-ain't-one-of-us meme for months.
A thumping band and cheering standing-room-only crowd greeted Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul at Cornell University’s Lynah Rink on Thursday night.
ONLY 1 candidate draws thousands everywhere he goes!
Ron Paul Campaign Condemns Alaska GOP Illegal Exclusion of All non-Romney Delegates to State Convention
The backroom dealings of the El Paso county Colorado establishment almost (and possibly might) wreck the results of Colorado's 2012 State Assembly.
This is a long and complicated trail that started years ago. I won't go into all the hist
Election Day is still nine months away, but Mitt Romney wants his supporters to know that all of their hard work and thousands of dollars worth of donations won’t be forgotten.
As Bradley Manning awaits his next appearance in court, the pool of presidential candidates have been slow to comment on the prosecution against the US Army private accused of providing government secrets to WikiLeaks. Except for Ron Paul, that is.