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WAR: About that War

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By Louis Charbonneau

BERLIN (Reuters) - If the U.N. Security Council is incapable of taking action to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, Israel will have no choice but to defend itself, Israel's defense minister said on Wednesday.

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Los Angeles Times

US Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad said the invasion of Iraq had opened a "Pandora's box" of ethnic and sectarian tensions that could engulf the region. The US had little choice but to maintain a strong presence in Iraq, or

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Associated Press

At least 23 bodies — many of them hanged — were found dumped in parts of Baghdad, while a string of explosions killed at least four people in the Iraqi capital, police said. Found 18 bodies in an abandoned minibus in west Baghdad, the victims — all m

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Associated press

The spokesman would not elaborate. Other officials said the inspector general concluded that the earlier Army investigations had produced enough evidence to merit probing possible charges of negligent homicide. The officials would discuss the matter

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Agence France Presse

Stiff US opposition and a refusal by Iran to suspend all uranium enrichment appeared to doom a Russian compromise designed to head off UN Security Council action against Tehran's atomic program.

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20 protesters went to the US Mission to the UN to deliver a petition with 60,000 signatures seeking an end to the war. They had been told they could send a delegation into the building to present their petition, but no one would receive them.

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Associated Press

The Army criminal investigation that attempts to cut through the fog of war shrouding the friendly-fire death of former Arizona Cardinals football player Pat Tillman could end with a case before a military court or no action at all. For the military

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Iran faces “tangible and painful consequences” if it continues its nuclear activities and the US will use “all tools at our disposal” to stop this threat, US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton said, ahead of a crucial international meeting on Iran.

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Amnesty International

Tens of thousands of people have been held "arbitrarily" in Iraq since March 2003, creating a situation that is ripe for abuse. Most of those held were neither charged nor faced trial and had no basic right to challenge their detention.

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Time Magazine

The computer, purportedly stolen from an Iranian nuclear engineer and obtained by the CIA in 2004, contained documents and diagrams, including a presentation in Farsi "with catchy graphics", that demonstrates Tehran's intention to build

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Associated Press

Cindy Sheehan, who drew international attention when she camped outside President Bush's ranch to protest the Iraq war, was arrested along with 3 other women during a demonstration demanding the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

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by River (Bahgdad Burning)

Now I’ve seen the nominees—we see them every year—and I've come to a conclusion—Iraqis need an award show. While the Hollywood glitterati make good entertainers, our local super stars, Hakeem, Jaffari, Talabani, Allawi et al. make GREAT entertain

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Los Angeles Times

2 years ago, Riyadh Adhadh cursed the US soldiers who had overrun his homeland. Last week, his Sunni Arab neighborhood under attack by Shiite militiamen, he found himself on the phone in panic, begging the US Embassy to send US soldiers.

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Pakistani army helicopters pounded mountains near the Afghan border on Sunday after nearly 50 people were killed in clashes with pro-Taliban militants in response to President Bush meeting with President Musharraf in the capital

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Al Qaeda's deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahri called on Muslims to attack the West in an audio tape posted on the Internet on Saturday, urging similar strikes as those against New York, London and Madrid in recent years.

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Associated Press

Insurgency-related violence last year killed more than twice as many Iraqi civilians—4,024 people—as Iraqi soldiers and police, according to government figures. The first 2 months of this year already stands at >¼ of last year's total due to sect

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USA Today

Iraq Prime Minister al-Jaafari canceled the meeting to discuss forming a new government. He did so after learning leaders of Sunni Arab, Kurdish and secular Shiite Muslim coalitions were going to ask al-Jaafari's alliance to withdraw his name

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Turkey's foreign minister said on Thursday U.S. troops should not quit neighboring Iraq prematurely, but denied media reports suggesting he feared such a withdrawal might help Iran stir up militancy in the region.