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WAR: About that War

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The Australian

Just as had happened across the global ethnic killing fields of the past three decades; Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Lebanon and Kosovo, the bodies were strewn where they fell, their homes and villages seized by those who slayed them.

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London Times

The attack on the al-Askariya shrine marks the first time that Iraqi sectarian violence has targeted one of the country's central religious symbols. The Shia Muslim shrine has existed in the middle of the ancient city of Samarra, one of the large

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Daily Telegraph

But this is going to be worse, I think. This may be the start of when it all goes really wrong and the thing that we all fear - the sectarian war that will destroy my country and my children's future - may be about to begin.

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Associated Press

[How does this work during a curfew?] Religious leaders summoned Iraq's Shiites and Sunnis to joint prayer services amid an extraordinary daytime curfew aimed at halting a wave of sectarian violence that has killed nearly 130 people since the bom

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Associated Press

Driver was accused of beating a detainee known as Habibullah, who the Army says died of his injuries. 2 detainees, men known as Dilawar and Habibullah, died within days of each other in Bagram. Both cases were ruled homicides and were beaten to death

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Salt Lake City Weekly

Over at the U.S. Army’s Dugway Proving Grounds procurement officers quietly placed orders for a system of bacteria-growing fermentors with a total capacity of 3,500 liters of bacteria and the possibility of another 5 fermentors in the future. That is

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BBC News

The Stop The War Coalition say they hope "several tens of thousands" of people will demonstrate [in London] on 18 March, marking the 3rd anniversary of the start of the Iraq conflict. Similar demonstrations will be held in America, Japan, M

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Wednesday February 22nd 2006,

It makes absolutely no sense for Sunnis to bomb Shia mosques; this would be akin to Baptists bombing Catholic churches. Sectarian violence, dividing Iraqi society, does not serve Iraqis, either Sunni or Shia.

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London Times

Radiation detectors in Britain recorded a 4 fold increase in uranium levels in the atmosphere after the “shock and awe” bombing campaign against Iraq. Evidence that depleted uranium from the shells was carried by wind currents to Britain.

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Raw Story (multiple links)

2 years before the Abu Ghraib scandal, the general counsel of the US Navy tried to halt the "disastrous and unlawful policy of authorizing cruelty toward terror suspects." [links provided to the story]

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London Times

THE revenge attacks started within minutes of the devastating dawn blast that wrecked the Golden Mosque in Samarra, one of the holiest Shia shrines in Iraq. By the end of the day more than 90 mosques lay damaged or destroyed, Iraq’s political and rel

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BBC News

The actors who star in movie The Road to Guantánamo were questioned by police under anti-terrorism legislation. One of the actors said police asked him if he intended to make any more "political" films. Another had his cell phone tak

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Associated Press

The governing council of Karbala province said it was suspending contact with US forces over the behavior of soldiers during a visit to the governor's office, followed similar moves by Maysan and Basra provinces with British forces in southern Ir

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News & Observer

The Pentagon's top intelligence official clashed repeatedly Wednesday with former operatives of the clandestine Able Danger program over how much the government knew about al-Qaeda before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Much of the test

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Los Angeles Times

In the spring of 2001, long before Sept. 11 and the American focus on Iraq, the CIA asked its Paris station about rumors that 200 tons of nuclear material had vanished from two French-owned mines in the West African nation of Niger.

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Iran's foreign minister called on Britain to pull its troops out of the southern Iraqi city of Basra, saying their presence was destabilizing the city. "The Islamic Republic of Iran demands the immediate withdrawal of British forces from Bas

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New York Times

Not long after the Americans occupied Iraq, strange things began happening in the family of Fatin Abdel Sattar, a Sunni Arab. Her teenage son stopped giving his Sunni name in Shiite areas. Her sister's marriage fell apart as her Shiite husband tu

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Washington Post

The Navy's former general counsel warned Pentagon officials 2 years before the Abu Ghraib prison scandal that circumventing international agreements on torture and detainees' treatment would invite abuse. Legal theories granting the pr

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Adnkronos International

The former leader of an Islamic militant group in Basra admitted that his movement "took part in death squads which operated in this city" with input from the Iranian secret services. Abu Kazem said 'members' of his political moveme

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With satellite TV and the Internet, it is hard to get away with creating enemies and destroying them when everyone who feels like it can blog your every fascist move. The fact that the Secretary of Defense worries about the Internet worries me.