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WAR: About that War

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NY Times

VIEWED from Iraq at the tail end of a 15-month deployment, the political debate in Washington is indeed surreal. Counterinsurgency is, by definition, a competition between insurgents and counterinsurgents for the control and support of a population.

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Washington Post

The next six months in Iraq are crucial -- and always will be. That noise you heard was the can being kicked further down the road leading to January 2009, when George W. Bush gets to hand off his Iraq fiasco to somebody else.

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Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) at the Petraeus-Crocker hearings: "Where is this going? … Are we going to continue to invest American blood and treasure at the same rate we are doing now. For what? The president said let's buy time. Buy time? For wh

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Crooks & Liars (video)

We haven’t lost this war, but we’re not winning it. We’re hanging on. Victory would be obvious, Iraqi families would be strolling the streets of Baghdad and Osama Bin Laden would be walking out of a cave somewhere with his hands up. Instead of that q

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The reports can be summed up as we are making some progress here, not so much there, and we need more time. And, of course, more money. The rhetoric will be like the wind, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Bush people lie like a drunken fis

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Eric Margolis for

The "successes" being reported from Iraq and Afghanistan are illusory. We heard exactly the same story during the Vietnam War, when US military spokesmen trumpeted glowing daily reports about enemy body counts....

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It's clear now that Democratic leaders on both sides of the Capitol are moving towards dropping their insistence on a end date deadline for completing troop withdrawal from Iraq. Senate leaders are likely to move a defense measure on the week of
