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WAR: About that War

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International Herald Tribune

Whoda thunkit? The presence of British forces in downtown Basra, Iraq's second-largest city, was the single largest instigator of violence, Maj. Gen. Graham Binns told reporters.

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Washington Post

At long last, prize-winning AP photographer Bilal Hussein may get his day in court. The trouble is, justice won't be blind in this case -- his lawyer will be. We believe Bilal's crime was taking photographs the U.S. government did not want it

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President Bush signed a deal setting the foundation for a potential long-term U.S. troop presence in Iraq, with details to be negotiated over matters that have defined the war debate at home - how many U.S. forces will stay in the country, and for ho

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When we were sent into Iraq it was not in the defense of our country. It was for a neoconservative experiment destined for failure. When troops are placed in that situation all they have is each other. I'm sure by now I don't have to explain

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10th Amendment Center

I recently received a promotional email from the so-called “right-wing” In it was a plea to support the troops - by promoting a “national expression of thanks to our military men and women during the Thanksgiving Day holiday.” Gratitud

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As someone who has been writing about this crazed administration's plans to launch an attack on Iran now for over a year, I have always noted that the real sign that it might happen would be when oil industry analysts started to worry about it.

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I received an email last week. Almost two pages long and...coming from a place I knew all too well and recognized instantly – the heart of a military wife who wanted to lose control but knew she was all that stood between her husband and heartbreak.

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Robert Parry

The Bush administration is turning Iraq into a test tube for modern techniques of repression, from sophisticated biometrics that track populations to devastating weapons systems that combine night-vision optics from drone aircraft, heat resonance ima

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Marine Corps Times

A Marine-turned-whistleblower says he is getting the cold shoulder from other leathernecks after he publicly acknowledged recording his commander coaching their unit in Iraq to get their stories straight for military investigators.

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The Pentagon has launched a preventive strike against a target that military chiefs presumably regard as one of the most active current threats to U.S. and world security—namely, the office of the vice president of the United States. Thrusting back h

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Gareth Porter

A National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran has been held up for more than a year in an effort to force the intelligence community to remove dissenting judgments on the Iranian nuclear program, and more supportive of Vice President Cheney's mi

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Republican John McCain, climbing in polls but lagging in money, is negotiating a $3 million loan while some of his backers launch an independent advertising effort seemingly at odds with his years of fighting outside influence in campaigns. The ad

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As the extent of the deficiencies became clearer, as more and more members of Congress visited hospitals they learned of the extensive treatments that would have to last a lifetime, they at last began to fathom the woeful under funding of veteran

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Daily Telegraph

The Bush administration is losing patience with Gordon Brown over Iran, with senior American diplomats frustrated by his reluctance to declare bluntly that the Islamic state must never be allowed nuclear weapons.