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WAR: About that War

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Terrence Aym

The United States military is toying with the idea of battlefield holograms again. This time, they might do it. The PsyOps (psychological operations) arm of the Pentagon has been pushing hard for the capability and believes it could produce a signifi

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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THE mother of controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has pleaded with the Federal Government to bring her son home. Christine Assange, who lives in Noosa, said she feared that there would be outside interference in his trial by those tryin

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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WikiLeaks has released both the original 38 minutes video and a shorter version with an initial analysis. Subtitles have been added to both versions from the radio transmissions. WikiLeaks obtained this video as well as supporting documents from a

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WikiLeaks collects and posts highly classified documents and video. Founder Julian Assange, who's reportedly being sought for questioning by US authorities, talks to TED's Chris Anderson about how the site operates, what it has accomplished -- and

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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On November 22, South Korea began its annual military exercise, involving including 70,000 troops, dozens of South Korean and U.S. warships and some 500 aircraft. The following day, South Korean artillery stationed on Yeonpyeong Island began a live a

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China has signalled its readiness to accept Korean reunification and is privately distancing itself from the North Korean regime, according to leaked US embassy cables that reveal senior Beijing figures regard their official ally as a "spoiled child

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The only TV documentary to have advance access to the biggest WikiLeaks release ever. Iraq's Secret War Files 1/4 Iraq's Secret War Files 2/4 Iraq's Secret War Files 3/4 http://yout

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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It pays to recall that North Korea is lashing out at its democratic neighbor not in response to a go-it-alone, cowboy foreign policy in Washington, but in the context of a wholly multilateral approach on the part of two consecutive administrations—an

Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

It would surely be helpful to those wishing to see an Israeli and/or U.S. attack on Iran, if U.S. intelligence could produce satellite photos showing those missiles in Iran. It’s a sure bet that if Washington had such images, they’d be all over the p

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Written By:

 I am a black boot. I was born in a Russian factory in 1980. I spent just a few months in the darkness of the warehouse until I was moved, with my companions, to one of the boot camps in Iraq. They dispersed us to fresh young men. I was destined

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Dan Froomkin,

The revelation that Afghanistan's vice president was caught carrying $52 million in cash last year in a Persian Gulf tax haven (and was allowed to keep it) is only the latest bit of evidence that countless billions of U.S. taxpayer money have been w

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The International Libertarian

The Brandywine Peace Community held a protest on November 27, 2010 at the defense contractor, Lockheed Martin, property in King of Prussia, PA, outside of Philadelphia. About ten protesters attended. This libertarian had some good conversations wi

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe
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King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has repeatedly urged the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear programme, according to leaked US diplomatic cables that describe how other Arab allies have secretly agitated for military action against Tehr

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