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WAR: About that War

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TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) -- Moammar Gadhafi warned from hiding Thursday that tribes loyal to him were well-armed and preparing for battle, hours after rebels hoping for a peaceful surrender extended the deadline for loyalist forces to give up in the longt

Article Image - Eric Margolis

The mighty US Navy won’t say so publicly, but it’s increasingly worried by China’s development of new anti-ship missiles. The chief worry is China’s new DF-21D whose primary target is America’s huge aircraft carriers.

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Eric Margolis via

The mighty US Navy won’t say so publicly, but it’s increasingly worried by China’s development of new anti-ship missiles. The chief worry is China’s new DF-21D whose primary target is America’s huge aircraft carriers.

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William Marsden, The Gazette

In the past two years they have spent $24 billion on AC. That means that coalition forces spend more to keep themselves cool each year than Afghanistan’s GNP!. Every drop of fuel, drinking water as well as every morsel of food consumed on NATO bases