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WAR: About that War

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Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

If you prefer charade to reality, inquisition to investigation, trees over forest – the House Government Oversight Committee hearing last Tuesday on “Security Failures of Benghazi” was the thing for you.

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I'm an Incorrigible Anarchist / Ersatz Hero - Murray Rothbard on Cesar Chavez / Stock Up Before the Stampede / Why the Regime May Want Post-Election Riots / Will the US Disintergrate?, And if it does, is that bad? / Time's Running Out

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I recently wrote a blog post comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's warnings about Iran to the flatly false declarations he made about Iraq a decade earlier. The post went on to refute three key assumptions built into America's anti-

News Link • Global Reported By Jack Spratt
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Turkish President Abdullah Gul said on Monday the "worst-case scenarios" were now playing out in Syria and Turkey would do everything necessary to protect itself, as its army fired back for a sixth day after a shell from Syria flew over the border.

Article Image, Tony Cartalucci

After over a year of harboring foreign terrorists and supporting their operations near and across the Turkish-Syrian border, NATO-member Turkey has claimed it has retaliated with military force against “targets” inside Syria for an alleged attack on

Article Image, by Uri Avnery

I am sitting here writing this article 39 years to the minute from that moment when the sirens started screaming, announcing the beginning of the war.

Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

A report quoted several Obama admin. officials admitting that all military-age males in a strike zone are counted as combatants, unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent. (Yes, you read that right – posthumously.)

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Terrence Aym

You probably never heard of Vasili Arkhipov, but now that you know his name you should never forget it. Arkhipov probably saved your life. In fact, if it weren't for him, you may never have been born at all. He truly saved the world singlehanded, ye

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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The world continues to spiral out of control, as the foreign policy of greed and hubris ratchets up for the next episode of destruction. The prospects of World War III increase with every NeoCon concession to the irrational and suicidal adherence to