Chandler boy suspended for sketching gun
• Arizona East Valley TribuneAn East Valley eighth-grader was suspended this week after he turned in homework with a sketch that school officials said resembled a gun and posed a threat to his classmates.
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An East Valley eighth-grader was suspended this week after he turned in homework with a sketch that school officials said resembled a gun and posed a threat to his classmates.
In the aftermath of the Petit family slayings in Cheshire, all reached for explanations: Time to admit the 'gun nuts' are right!
Troops training for and fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are firing more than 1 billion bullets a year, contributing to ammunition shortages hitting police departments nationwide and preventing officers from training with weapons they carry
In 1967, the Supreme Court cracked open the door to provide legal sanction to what police officers were already doing around the country in violating the Fourth Amendment (performing traffic stop seizures for non-criminal civil infractions).
Meet the surprising array of Americans who choose to bear arms.
Freedom activist Dave Ridley was stopped and harassed by several police officers this morning for engaging in the perfectly legal activity of open carrying in New Hampshire. The encounter was video and audio recorded and posted online. Click on the l
Townsend, a 30-year-old from Mich., came next to last among the amateur inquisitors in the CNN/YouTube debate. He made an impression by asking the candidates if they would protect his "baby" — the Bushmaster AR-15 semiautomatic rifle he cra
A young man is shopping at the Crossroads of the West Gun Show [in Phoenix], and there's plenty to choose from. The cavernous hall is packed with tables loaded with long guns and pistols, some barrels etched with names like El Capitán and El Supr
D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty announced today that the city will appeal to the Supreme Court to uphold a long-time ban on handguns that was overturned by a lower court in March.
When criminals need guns, they have plenty of options in a country with nearly 100,000 licensed gun stores. But drug dealers and other crooks don't shop just anywhere. They have their favorites. In Compton, CA, gangsters preferred Boulevard Sa
The proposed rule would force the closure of nearly all ammunition manufacturers and force the cost of small arms ammunition to skyrocket beyond what the market could bear—essentially collapsing the industry.
The National Rifle Association, in its usual, typical, dimwitted, bumbling eagerness to ingratiate itself with the police state's architects, has just made the police state immeasurably worse.
A Florida man was set free by a jury a self defense shooting when Norman Borden was nearly killed in October 2006 by 3 men who burned his house down and euthanized his dogs.
Senator Ted Kennedy and the anti-gun zealots who wrote the bill just couldn't resist the temptation to get their hands on our guns. They have included language that GOA has been able to defeat in the past. When Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) introduc
I don't know why NRA is supporting the McCarthy NICS expansion bill as it is currently written, but it doesn't make them the enemy. I think they have misread certain passages, or hold mistaken beliefs about how BATFE and the Justice Dept. wil
"It's scary, when both the main defender of this civil right and the enemies of that right combine and work to deny rights to so many people at once," (Gov't to determine the mental health of those thinking they might need to defen
In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion. Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may
Even politicians who want to be known as “pro-gun” hate having to discuss the issue with reporters or be too specific, even with supporters. They hate it because it is an MRI into their character.
Katie's Firearm Facts - the idiocy of gun control - 13 year old Katie reveals the idiocy of gun control efforts in Canada
The ISRA is expressing great concern over reports that Illinois State Police detectives have been visiting the homes of people who phoned/faxed Sen. Dan Kotowski to express opposition to gun control legislation sponsored by the senator.
(This guy is becoming one of my favorites) Here's an essay written in response to the recent law that was passed by the House that was agreed to by House Democrats and the NRA. Please watch the two videos associated with this essay.
The House passed what could become the first major federal gun control law in over a decade, spurred by the Virginia Tech campus killings and buttressed by National Rifle Association help. The bill, was passed on a voice vote, would improve st
California’s stringent weapons laws go a long way toward reducing illegal purchases at gun shows without alienating potential customers, finds a leading researcher in the prevention of firearm violence.
(Another reason to vote for Ron Paul, and join JPFO) In what Congress-watchers call a "stunning breakthrough," the powerful NRA and Senior Democrats on Capitol Hill have cut a deal that will strenghten background checks on those buying fir
Few American families that keep firearms in their homes store them safely, a pediatric researcher says. [in his taxpayer funded opinion]
The state House voted to further restrict government agencies that don’t want people carrying guns into their buildings, which would expand existing laws that require public buildings to provide for weapons storage if they don’t want people bringing
Proponents observed that the measure respects gun owners' rights. Opponents said it would be better for people to leave their guns at home rather than taking them into a public building or to an event such as the Tempe Block Party on New Year
A former minor tax collection department is now a billion-dollar agency. This groundbreaking documentary exposes how this agency harasses, oppresses, intimidates, and terrifies small businesses and decent citizens.
A jury on Friday returned a not guilty verdict for University of Tennessee cornerback Marsalous Johnson, who was charged with assault after an off-duty deputy sherrif accused him of waving a gun at him while driving on the interstate.
A weapon seized after a drug-war massacre last week at a Mexican border town was sold in Phoenix in another sign that southbound gunrunning and the firepower of drug cartels have accelerated in the last few months. "There is a war going on on th