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Gun Rights

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Next News Network

A Chicago man was assaulted on private property by two men brandishing guns. The target then pulled out his own handgun. The 53-year old South Austin resident then fired several shots, scaring off the attackers. This may be the first time live sh

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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Detroit Free Press

In the latest in a string of such fatal shootings, a 47-year-old man is in custody after police said he shot 2 people who had broken into his home on Detroit's west side. A 19-year-old man is dead and his partner, a 19-year-old woman, is critical

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American Terrorist

It is the aim of a nation ruled by terrorists to render its population defenseless. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, having no qualms about the fast and furious distribution of arms to the Sinaloa drug cartel in Mexico, wants to hamper U.S. gun own

News Link • Global Reported By J.t. Waldron
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Next News Network

A Chicago man was assaulted on private property by two men brandishing guns. The target then pulled out his own handgun. The 53-year old South Austin resident then fired several shots, scaring off the attackers. This may be the first time live sh

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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"I have made this video specifically for all those Americans who will survive an attack by using deadly force. What should you do after you shoot? What do you tell the 911 operator? You may find yourself surprised by the advice you'll get from me.

News Link • Global Reported By Jim Delton
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Next News Network

In 2008 reports surfaced of a "Realistic Urban Training Exercise" that was to take place at the Indianapolis state fairgrounds. While investigating claims of a FEMA Camp at the nearby Amtrak Repair Facility I to attend the exercise. While attending

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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USA Today

A federal judge in Los Angeles blasted ATF for sting operations that he said unfairly enlist people in a "made-up crime" by offering them a huge payday for robbing a non-existent drug stash house.

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by L. Neil Smith (The Libertarian Enterprise)

I begin by confessing that I hadn't heard of you until recently. I haven't watched CNN for at least twenty years because I don't want my brain to shrivel down to the size of a walnut, and I don't follow TV "celebrities".

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Next News Network

Dan BiDondi, a reporter attending a hearing at the Rhode Island State house on new anti-gun legislation, asked State Senator, Joshua Miller about the legislation before the hearings. Millers response, what you are about to hear, may shock you.

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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

These people want us, as gun-rights advocates, dead, and are apparently less and less concerned about hiding it. There can be no reasoning with such people. There is no "common ground" to be found.

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe
Home Grown Food