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Technology: Software

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A very interesting clip on the popular website Facebook. Includes who has money in it, its origins(including US government offices) and their privacy policies and terms of agreement which state they can use and profit from any of the information you post on the site. Check it out! Original source:

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Subscribe to Declare your Independence with Ernest Hancock from any of your favorite Music players with the link

itunes: From the Advanced Menu click "Subscribe to podcast" input the URL above.

WinAmp: Under your Media Library click "Subscriptions" witch is located under the "pod cast directory. then click "Add" and input the URL above.


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Twitter has produced a hot new trend: real-time search. There is hardly a day that goes by within the Internet industry that real-time search is not mentioned. To feed this new hunger for real-time information, real-time search engines such as Twitter Search,  Scoopler, Collecta, Topsy, CrowdEye, and more are popping up all around.

Unlike the traditional search engines, these real-time search engines return the most current information from the Web in the form of blog content and comments, Twitter messages, images and video, social services, news sources, and more.

Why does our society crave this continuous stream of information? Collecta CEO Gerry Campbell told WebProNews that this need to publish and consume information actually goes back to ancient times.

“If you go back all the way to the progression of cave paintings through monks copying Bibles to Gutenberg’s press, we’ve seen an acceleration in the ability to publish information. In addi

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It sounds like something from a science fiction movie: Sensors are surgically inserted in the brain to understand what you’re thinking. Machines that can speak, move or process information — based on the fleeting thoughts in a person’s imagination.

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Yahoo Tech News

Scott Painter makes his living betting on startup companies, having played a role in launching 29 of them over the years. But with the bad economy choking initial public offerings and acquisitions, Painter is now backing an idea that makes it easier for insiders like him to sell shares in their companies even before they go public.

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Cyber criminals are setting snares that move at the speed of news. Savvy cyber criminals are taking advantage of our increasing reliance on computers and the Internet. Panda Security, a Spain-based antivirus maker, has been monitoring an onslaught of links with malicious software, or "malware," on Twitter that tag hot topics such as the Air France crash, the NBA finals, "American Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert and the new iPhone."Cyber criminals have been targeting Twitter users by creating thousands of messages (tweets) embedded with words involving trending topics and malicious URLs," Sean-Paul Correll, a threat researcher for Panda Labs, wrote recently on a blog for the company.....

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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The emails carry the subject line “Your friend invited you to twitter!”, while the sender’s address is spoofed as “”. Unlike a typical Twitter invite, however, the email contains no invitation link: instead it carries the attached file Invitation, tempting the receiver to download it. The attachment, of course, contains W32.Ackantta.B@mm – a nasty, email address-harvesting worm.

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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13 Investigates

13 Investigates explains how your cell phone can be secretly hijacked and used against you – and how to protect yourself. VIDEO

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Welcome to Windows 7 Release Candidate (RC) testing. We're on our way to Windows 7, and if you like trying out pre-release software, now’s your chance. You get to see what's coming, and we get to see if our changes and fixes from the Beta tes

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Microsoft could have Windows 7 on shipping PCs by September, Compal president Ray Chen said today at an investor's conference. The PC contractor executive understands from plans that the software should be available in either late September or ea

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A nasty worm has wriggled into millions of computers and continues to spread, leaving security experts wondering whether the attack is a harbinger of evil deeds to come. A computer worm known as "Conficker" or "Downadup" had infec

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PC World

So far people are reporting MS' new operating system is working pretty well. It is a Beta, meaning there will almost certainly be serious bugs. I recommend not putting this on any computer you care about.

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Boing Boing

An Austin teacher sent an angry, accusatory email to a local Linux collective accusing them of piracy for distributing the free operating system and excoriating them for encouraging her students to do the same.