CNN host Piers Morgan just called to discuss his interview last night with Alex Jones, the conservative radio host and gun advocate who went on a tirade against Morgan, gun control legislation, and a litany of government conspiracies.
Ironically, did you know that Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State predicted in 2008 that Obama might be assassinated as JFK had been killed in Dallas, Texas?
The ongoing Communist takeover of our banks which will be followed by the implementation of martial law complete with FEMA camps and the planned extermination of millions of dissenting Americans.
Adrian, Danielle and Loring attempt to keep Alex’s monumentally inflated ego in check, but find that his narcissism is impenetrable. We discuss the recent Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners meeting where more than a dozen citizens stood to
The Common Sense Show with Dave Hodges, Dave and Annie De Riso welcome Susanne Cosel as they explore the likelihood of more false flag attacks coming to American shores
I’ll still be doing the radio show for the Liberty Radio Network Monday-Friday from 12-3 eastern time, KPFK Friday nights in L.A. and KUCR in Riverside on Sundays. All the archives will still run at until the new site is up and ru
We detail our investigation into how four Pinellas County Commissioners are ineligible to serve because they have exceeded their term limits, we talk with Rae Ann McNeilly of Taxpayers United of America tells us how retired state and local employees
We dig into the ObamaCare SCOTUS ruling, the Eric Holder Contempt of Congress Charge, and the Audit the Fed bill. Plus, we cover the series of events involving NATO, Turkey, Syria, and Iran which could quickly lead to a global war. Brandon from TheGl
Alex and Adrian call out the Tampa Bay Times for their bias and lack of journalistic integrity, we endorse Scott Swope for Pinellas County sheriff, we talk to Karen Schoen about Agenda 21, and we break the story of how the Pinellas County Sheriff’s O
Ameri-Can Craft Beer Festival, City bans texting while walking, bride drinks beer, man sells dead babies online, 7yr old girl threatens parents, many beer reviews from the festival, Anchor Summer Beer, Door to Door for raw milk, verizon killing unlim
Intro, Drunk On Liberty on FreedomsPhoenix!, Obama for gay marriage, magnets in arm for ipod, Cops should be more like Firemen article from, Ryan Jaye changing beer drinking habits, beer review, Four Peaks Hop Knot IPA, Four Peaks Kil
Drunk On Liberty is a podcast that enjoys several adult beverages while discussing the most prominent issues in today's culture from a liberty mindset. So pop open a cold one and enjoy our highly distinguished vowels and consonants that come out of
Rush Limbaugh’s opponents are starting a radio campaign against him Thursday, seizing upon the radio star’s attack of a Georgetown law student as a “slut” to make a long-term effort aimed at weakening his business.
A Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision issued Monday (PDF) will clear the runway for hundreds of new community radio stations that broadcast on low-power FM signals
In hours number two and three, The Common Sense Show with Dave Hodges will welcome Diana Hunter as we discuss Obama's newest executive order, The National Defense Resources Preparedness. This executive order codifies the enslavement into both civili
Dave Hodges will welcome back researcher Diana Hunter as they explore Ft. Collins' Pat Stryker as they explore her CIA connections and how they are planning to seize control of all energy resources, along with the Rockefellers', in Colorado, which is
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