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Media: Radio

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Air America Radio host Randi Rhodes has left the network after it suspended her over comments she made at a station fundraiser last week. [Who else who is worth a s**t does AA have?]

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AntiWar Radio (listen mp3)

Charles Goyette discuss the use of the pejorative “conspiracy theorist,” to shut down debate of controversial issues, the continuing danger of war with Iran, the Federal Reserve Board’s war against the American people, their total lack of accountabil

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The Justice Dept. approved Sirius Satellite Radio's $5 billion buyout of rival XM Satellite Radio, saying the deal was unlikely to hurt competition or consumers. The deal was approved despite opposition from consumer groups and an intense lobbyin

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Arizona CHANGE

In a stinging indictment of the American charade, Dobbs ranted on everything from the contrived election and economic crisis to the tyranny of the majority that now threatens our very sovereignty.

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Shipley
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Arizona CHANGE

We took over the Radio Show last Sunday while Ernie was in Houston to talk about Real ID and the "Devil in the Database". The audio is now available, for those who missed it.

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Shipley
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Mitt Romney purchased the media empire "Clear Channel Communications" in November of 2006. Clear Channel is an umbrella company consisting of 1200 radio stations, various billboard sites, newspapers and local cable channels like Fox and ABC


Who will stand up for America? Who will speak out against our country being overrun by millions of illegal aliens? Answer: Peter Boyles of Denver's KHOW Clear Channel. Watch him take on the president and win!

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Freedom in Our Time(Will Grigg)

We wouldn't be where we presently find ourselves -- mired in a pointless foreign war, looking down the barrel of undisguised executive despotism, and teetering on the precipice of national insolvency -- were it not for the capacity of Americans

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AntiWar Radio

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern gives his view of DHS head Chertoff’s “gut feeling” that something very bad is going to happen, “faith-based” intelligence in general, the actual threat of terrorist attacks versus our government’s hysterical scare-mon

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Drudge Report

XM Satellite Radio today announced it will launch a new radio channel dedicated to the 2008 presidential election, marking the first time that a national radio channel has been devoted to a presidential campaign. The 24-hour, commercial-free channel

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The San Antonio, Texas, radio broadcasting and billboard advertising giant said Friday that its board accepted an amended buyout offer from Thomas H. Lee Partners and Bain Capital Partners worth $28 billion in cash and assumed debt

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Free Press

A ruling by an obscure regulatory agency threatens to silence Internet radio. After intense lobbying from the recording industry, the Copyright Royalty Board(CRB) is about to mandate exponential increases -- by as much as 1,200 percent -- in royalti

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AntiWar Radio

Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson discusses his wife Valerie Plame’s “covert” status, whether his wife helped get him the trip to assess the Niger-uranium hoax, why they resorted to smearing his wife, his feelings about George Bush Sr., what he thinks