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Media: Television

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New York Times

Al Jazeera announced a deal to take over Current TV, the low-rated cable channel that was founded by Al Gore, a former vice president, and his business partners 7 years ago. Al Jazeera plans to shut Current and start an English-language channel,

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Syria has accused Western and Arab intelligence agencies of plotting to “hijack” its satellite channel frequencies in order to spread misinformation about the alleged advances of the rebels, military defections or the fall of certain cities.

Article Image, Samuel Blackstone

Commercials warning Egyptian citizens to watch what they say to strangers were banned from television Friday after Egyptian Minister of Information Ahmed Anis called the ads an apparent "incitement against foreigners", according to Al Arabiya News.

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Ready for another surprise from Assange? The second episode of The World Tomorrow has it all. This time Assange has two guests with two opposite points of view ready to lock in a fight over some of the hottest issues.

Article Image, By Gavin Aronsen

Last Thursday, the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco struck down a seven-decade-old ban on political ads on noncommercial TV and radio stations.
