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Media: Television

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AntiWar Blog

On April 15-20th, PBS will be airing America at a Crossroads, a series of 11 independently produced documentaries, each focusing on a different aspect of "challenges confronting the post-9/11 world," includding the Iraq and Afghnistan wars,

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Virginian Pilot

A lawsuit nearing trail has opened a rare window into the inner workings of Pat Robertson's Virginia Beach-based media empire. At the heart of the case is an issue that has bedeviled Robertson repeatedly over the years: the fuzzy line between h

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September 11 conspiracies will go mainstream on Sunday as BBC airs an hour long documentary that investigates the growing number of conspiracy theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks. 9/11: The Conspiracy Files, will try to answer the question

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Washington Post

The moment Dave Marash told friends and colleagues about his new job, the questions began flying. Who? listeners asked skeptically. And why? Nearly nine months later, he's still hearing those questions -- and it turns out answering the firs

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An internal memo, recently discovered by the British media, revealed what the BBC has been trying to hide. Senior figures admitted in a recent 'impartiality' summit that the BBC was guilty of promoting Left-wing views and anti-Christian sent

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You Tube(Video Link)

A five minute preview of a show to run on PBS on Oct 20. It's focus on the movement to have so called "clean" elections, and try to eliminate privately funded campaigns. (Did you ever think of removing power for Washington and the sta
