Letter Re: Cold Weather Survival
• Survivalblog.comHugh, The poster of this article did a good job overall. One thing that was mentioned in brief was dehydration in cold weather.
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Hugh, The poster of this article did a good job overall. One thing that was mentioned in brief was dehydration in cold weather.
When one thinks of SHTF and TEOTWAWKI, The Walking Dead kind of scenario may enter one's mind.
Living off the grid is illegal in Cape Coral, Florida, according to a court ruling Thursday. Special Magistrate Harold S. Eskin ruled that the city’s codes allow Robin Speronis to live without utility power but she is still required to hook her home
A little DIY distilling
Clearpoint Residencies, based in Kotte just outside Colombo, will be the first sustainable high-rise apartment complex in the country, with solar panels for electricity generation, a waste water recycling system and planted facades.
Editor’s Note: One of the key trends we’ve seen over the last ten years is an unabated rise in prices for essential goods that include food, energy and other commodities.
Maybe you wear a Peyton Manning jersey. Maybe you gulp Gatorade during your outdoor activities.
State lawmakers are moving to make sure you know what to have on hand when electronic Armageddon strikes.
Take a look at the new Lightning Strike Fire Starter by Holland's Shooters Supply!
I know what crosses your mind when the term "prepping" is used. Obviously, as you're reading this on a website created for the sole purpose of helping people prepare for the worst, you're thinking of preparing for “Dooms Day”.
Tarrin Lupo (Historical Fiction Author) in town for the Freedom Summit comes on the show to talk about prepping, self-sustainability, Bitcoin, his next project, the Freedom Summit, and libertarian issues. (MP3 & Video LOADED)
Cooking food when in remote places can mean having to lug a camping stove along for the journey or trying your hand at some bushcraft to fashion a rudimentary grill. Israeli designer Roee Magdassi has created another possibility, however. Stakes is a
Every year somewhere in our country tens of thousands of Americans experience an emergency resulting from any number of scenarios that may include natural disasters, economic hardship or other unexpected circumstances.
Most of us want to do the right thing when it comes to the environment. But things aren’t as simple as opting for the paper bag, says sustainability strategist Leyla Acaroglu. A bold call for us to let go of tightly-held green myths and think bigger
Wilderness survival may require you to forage for food or medicine in order to stay alive. While the Earth is bountiful with animals and enveloped by plant life, certain survival situations can make this task seem impossible depending on the locatio
Margaret: What did I get us into? I'm pretty lazy when it comes to the whole "beauty" routine thing. I can't be bothered to shave my legs and I rarely wear makeup.
I got a clue about prepping on Feb 9, 1971, when I was rolled out of bed at 6am by the Northridge-Sylmar earthquake. Shortly following that unique event, the National Guard came through the neighborhood announcing immediate, mandatory evacuation ....
One of the many important problems confronting people in a SHTF situation is maintaining adequate sanitation. Clean water, soap, personal hygene, toileting, and kitchen waste will all need to be addressed.
If you haven’t had the chance to see an economic collapse, don’t worry – we are in the middle of a global one right now.
Bugging out to a more defensible location, away from the big cities and the anarchy that will be taking place there, is what everyone talks about.
Clean drinking water is critical to your survival, because without potable water you will die within a few days.
When toxic chemicals spilled into the Elk River in Charleston, West Virginia a couple of weeks ago we got another glimpse into what the world might look like in the aftermath of a major, widespread disaster.
Much has been written regarding bug-out bags, vehicle choice and maintenance, weaponry and retreat locations but the one issue missing is how you are going to get there.
FEMA is seeking contractors who can supply medical biohazard disposal capabilities and 40 yard dumpsters to 1,000 tent hospitals across the United States;
At a time when we carry computers in our pockets and our cars practically do the driving for us, a certain subset of people have willingly chosen to cut the cord on modern American life — for good.
The U.S. power grid, as it exists today, is dying a slow and miserable death. Experts in the private and public sector are also concerned about the weakness of the grid and suggest we are one major catastrophic event away from a complete meltdown in
Over the years there have been occasional posts on SurvivalBlog about making various "homemade" soaps using easily found commercial ingredients. These often include store-bought washing soda, Fells Naptha, Zote soap, baking soda and such.
James Wesley; In building our retreat, we will have multiple modern bathroom facilities in various buildings.
Horizontal Aquaponics Pipe Garden - This is an 'Add On' to the Aquadome that will use less electricity to circulate water via an AirLift, and provide another stand alone food system. This is a Teaching Class for only 10 students.
Our built world is full of dirty secrets. So many of the things we imagine to have little impact on our environment turn out to be remarkably unsustainable.