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Police State

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Associatiated Press

Most Americans and a majority of people in Britain, France and South Korea say torturing terrorism suspects is justified at least in rare instances, according to AP-Ipsos polling.

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Germany asked the United States why the CIA mistakenly detained a German citizen and imprisoned him in Afghanistan for months, but the response was inadequate, former German Interior Minister Otto Schily said. [More tea?]

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A one-time Communist Party journalist Liu Binyan became known in exile as the "conscience of China" has died. Liu said Communist Party members should not put their ultimate loyalty in the party, but in a "second kind of loyalty" —

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Washington Post Blog

The Defense Department's Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA), certainly one of the more mysterious Pentagon agencies, and one that is at the center of the Defense Department's expanded programs aimed at gathering and analyzing intellige

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Associated Press

A Boston clothing store owner agreed to stop selling "Stop Snitching" T-shirts amid concerns the message was intimidating murder witnesses after threats from the Mayor and outraged community leaders. Had sold 300 to 400 a month

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USA Today

The hotline - designed to help identify foreigners and others who could harm U.S. interests - has become a venting board for thousands of tips from across the USA that have nothing to do with potential threats to the homeland.

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Washington Times

Deborah Davis' refusal to show her identification to federal police at a bus stop, a 50-year-old Arvada, Colo., grandmother of five, was handcuffed, placed in a police car and ticketed for two petty offenses by Federal Protective Services officer

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USA Today

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice defended the indefinite detention of terrorist suspects as part of an unprecedented war to prevent massive attacks on civilians.

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San Francisco Chronicle

The Justice Department issued a broad defense Tuesday of an investigative tool used by the FBI to compel businesses to turn over customer information without a court order or grand jury subpoena.

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New York Times

"It's becoming one of the public issues Sec. Rice is going to have to address on her next trip," said a European official. "The mood in Europe is one of increasing concern over what people call the American 'gulag' and the

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Associated Press

"People are definitely going to notice it," he said. "We want that shock. We want that awe. But at the same time, we don't want people to feel their rights are being threatened. We need them to be our eyes and ears."

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Wall Street Journal

The ACLU, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Manufacturers, National Association of Realtors and the Financial Services Roundtable are demanding changes in the antiterror law's rules on government access to confidential business re

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by Paul Craig Roberts (

The Bush administration’s hype about terrorism serves no purpose other than to build a police state that is far more dangerous to Americans than terrorists. Despite the large number of alleged "terrorists" being held, there isn't a shre

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by Nat Hentoff (Washington Post)

The self-styled "world's greatest deliberative body," the U.S. Senate, voted to prevent prisoners at Guantanamo from filing habeas corpus petitions to our federal courts regarding their conditions of confinement, including complaints o

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Washington Post

The Defense Department has expanded its programs aimed at gathering and analyzing intelligence within the United States, creating new agencies, adding personnel and seeking additional legal authority for domestic security activities in the post-9/11

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The Independent

Tony Blair has been accused of undermining decades of British campaigning for international human rights by using the war on terror to give a "green light" to torture.

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by Matt Welch (Reason Magazine)

Don't you want to know whether Jose Padilla, the American citizen held as an enemy combatant from June 2002 until this week, was indeed conspiring—or even ringleading—a plot to set off a "dirty bomb" somewhere inside the United States?

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When the UK Presidency suggested to the EU that telecoms service providers and ISPs should be forced to retain information about the telephone calls you make and the sites you visit might help the recording industry fish for file-sharing networks, DR
