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Police State

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Yahoo Inc. provided evidence to Chinese authorities that led to the imprisonment of an Internet writer, its second such case. A spokeswoman for Yahoo said the company was looking into the matter. "As in most jurisdictions, governments are not

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By Carol D. Leonnig - Washington Post Staff Writer

Twice in the past four years, a top Justice Department lawyer warned the presiding judge of a secret surveillance court that information overheard in President Bush's eavesdropping program may have been improperly used to obtain wiretap warrants

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The Cleveland Free Times

School principal Margaret Seibel says this year’s trip for Taft kindergarteners had to be canceled due to homeland security concerns. Access to the NASA Visitor Center is restricted to US citizens. All others might be terrorists. No tourists fro

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Declan McCullagh and Anne Broache - CNET News

Some reports have identified executives at "major telecommunications companies" who chose to open their networks to the NSA. Because it may be illegal to divulge customer communications, though, not one has chosen to make its cooperation pu

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A request by Mr. Gonzales produced the Justice Department memorandum of Aug. 1, 2002, which defined torture narrowly and said that Mr. Bush could circumvent domestic and international prohibitions against torture in the name of national security.

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New York Times

Representative Heather A. Wilson (R-NM), chairwoman of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Technical and Tactical Intelligence, said she had "serious concerns" about the surveillance program. By withholding information about its operatio

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Washington Post

Intelligence officers who eavesdropped on thousands of Americans in overseas calls under authority from President Bush have dismissed nearly all of them as potential suspects after hearing nothing pertinent to a terrorist threat

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USA Today

Thousands of federal, state and local law enforcement officers have descended on Detroit to cast a security net over Super Bowl XL in one of the largest such efforts in U.S. history. Some Canadian border enforcement officers have been deputized

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U.S. Marine Corps Reservists will hold routine exercises from 5 a.m. today until 3 a.m. Sunday at the Madison Building and Promenade Park in downtown Toledo. During the exercises, the Marines will wear green camouflage uniforms, operate military v

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The Guardian

For the past week I've been tracking my girlfriend through her mobile phone. I can see exactly where she is, at any time of day or night, within 150 yards, as long as her phone is on. It has been very interesting to find out about her day.

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American Forces Information services

"Under our new organization, you will have defense coordinating officers and their staffs located within the 10 (Federal Emergency Management Agency) regions," said Army Brig. Gen. Mark Graham, deputy commanding general of the 5th U.S. Army

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Congressional Quarterly

“Contrary to popular belief, there is no absolute ban on [military] intelligence collecting U.S. person information,” an intelligence officer said. Agencies can “receive” domestic intelligence information, even though they cannot legally “collect” it

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New York Times

The Bush administration is rebuffing requests from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee for its classified legal opinions on President Bush's domestic spying program, setting up a confrontation in advance of a hearing scheduled for next week

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Miami Herald

I was 8 years old when President John Kennedy was shot in 1963. I'll be 62 when documents related to the assassination are released to the public, and 84 when the Warren Commission's investigative files into the tragedy are finally opened.

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A class action lawsuit claims AT&T illegally cooperated with the NSA's secret eavesdropping program by opening its telecommunications facilities up to the NSA and continues to "to assist the government in its secret surveillance of millions

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Sen. John Sununu (R-NH) is also emblematic of an under-appreciated libertarian strand in his party. He and Larry Craig (R-ID) are the leaders of a quartet of GOP senators who are standing up to the White House over the Patriot Act, scheduled to expir

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Daily Telegram

A leaked letter from Mr Burnham indicates that the chips will use radio frequencies to allow "contactless" reading of the card by special scanners. Receivers could easily be boosted to receive signals from much further away.

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