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Police State

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LA Times

The military tribunals bill signed by President Bush marks the first time the right of habeas corpus has been curtailed by law for millions of people in the US. The new law takes away from noncitizens in the US the right to go to court if they are d

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by James Bovard (E&P)

How will we know when a dictatorship has arrived? Not from reading the Washington Post. The Post’s story today -- “Bush Signs Terrorism Measure” -- looks like just another routine report on the approval of a piece of legislation, accompanied by the u

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by Christopher Ketcham (AntiWar)

The acts of torture now made legal and wholesome include the burning of flesh, the breaking of bones, the placing of needles under fingernails, the tearing of limbs, the disfiguring of faces, and the infliction of general bodily injury that may or ma

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Practical Nomad

The Department of Fatherland Security has proposed that operators of all ships and planes be required to get DHS permission for each passenger to, from, or via the USA. If the answer isn't “Yes” -- the operator wouldn’t be allowed to let you trav

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PC World

Chief among the questions: Which machine-readable technology will the new IDs use? The Department of Police Statism, working with states and with DMV agents, was supposed to set up guidelines on this basic but critical topic.

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St. Petersburg Times

It is one thing for a renegade executive to crown himself and declare that his wisdom is exceptional enough to designate Americans and foreigners as enemies to be detained indefinitely. It is quite another for 315 members of Congress to go along.

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What Really Happened

Enclosed is a letter from former Congressmen William Hefner, who represented the 8th District in North Carolina. Did some checking, and indeed there was a William Hefner who was in Congress from 1975-1999. You decide.

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KC Infozine News

The FLAG Project at the Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF) filed its first lawsuit against the Dept of Justice after the FBI failed to respond to FOIA request for records concerning DCS-3000 and Red Hook -- tools the FBI has spent millions of dollar

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IN the autumn of 68 B.C. the world’s only military superpower was dealt a profound psychological blow by a daring terrorist attack on its very heart. Rome’s port at Ostia was set on fire, the consular war fleet destroyed, and two prominent senators,