The U.S.
Homeland Security secretary met with top European security officials to work out a new agreement to share airline passenger data for terrorism investigations. European governments are worried about protecting their strict privacy laws, a l
The Bush administration said it no longer seeks to limit the number of meetings between Guantanamo prisoners and their lawyers, a proposal that had been strongly criticized by civil liberties and legal groups.
A 48-year-old Chestnut Street man was arrested early this morning for wiretapping for allegedly recording police while they were investigating him for driving while intoxicated (I guess the cops had something to hide...).
Support the 2nd Amendment? Skeptical of Big Government? Does the slogan "Freedom Good Government Bad" appeal to you? Well ... The state of Alabama has labeled you a terrorist!
Leahy, who has co-sponsored bipartisan legislation to repeal the provision, spoke out as the debate intensified over the Real ID Act, which requires states to create new tamper-proof driver's licenses in line with rules recently issued by the Dep
"We just think that should happen at the border," she said. "We feel like they're moving the border further north and giving up on the area south of the checkpoint like we're a no man's land." Cullen, who has a Ph.D. i
In the two-year, 200 patient study, participating individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, as well as their caregivers, would receive the VeriMed™ implantable microchip to provide emergency department staff easy acc
Enacted into law in 2005 as the Real ID Act: "Secure identification should begin in the United States. The federal government should set standards for . . . sources of identification, such as driver's licenses." 2 years later, some stat
Arizona Senator (R) Karen Johnson has ushered through a bill that challenges the Federal Government's attempt to brand us all. Remember when the Republicans use to be against national IDs when Clinton was in office?
A service station that offered discounted gas to senior citizens and people supporting youth sports has been ordered by the state to raise its prices. Center City BP owner Raj Bhandari has been offereing senior citizens a 2 cent price break
The NASA employees noted that the probes interfere with recruitment efforts. "In the face of such intrusions, talented researchers are inclined to take positions elsewhere, where the employers have a modicum of respect for the Constitution,
anonymous New Jersey state troopers have posted a number of anonymous threats to issue an avalanche of tickets against the public on their union's Web site, according to the CourierPost Online (NJ).
"Given the fact that Ms. Bergman bought the mobile home and moved it into that spot, where she has lived for eight years, I have a hard time believing that the police exercised reasonable care before violating her rights."
BearCats are being used across the country by a growing number of police departments. Lenco makes similar vehicles with slightly different equipment that are being used in Iraq and Afghanistan by the U.S. military, Light said.
Fifty-three Family Intervention Projects around the country will provide intensive social care for around 1,500 families a year. Some of them will be removed from their communities and housed in intensive units for round-the-clock-supervision under t
A lively talk show interview with Keene Free Press editor and free stater Russell Kanning where Kanning discusses his recent experiences with the judicial system in New Hampshire.
Next time you agonize over a gun-fired atrocity celebrated incessantly on Page 1 by a heartless and immoral press, remember, guns save lives, too. Guns protect people. Guns stop crime. Guns are why America is still free. If you think a gun's only
Six hundred pages of documents relating to intelligence that New York City gathered before the 2004 Republican National Convention should be made public, a federal judge ruled. He struck down the city's attempt to keep the documents confidential,
The attacks by the LAPD on peaceful demonstrators were planned out and even trained for weeks in advance. It's apparent by the formations and equipment the police used. Nothing improvised or spontaneous about it. (Keeps getting more and more inte
Senior Bush administration officials proposed to a Senate committee new laws that they claim are needed to update domestic-surveillance laws, but which critics say would make it easier for government agencies to spy on people inside the United States
Hidden mini-cameras and microphones that can eavesdrop on conversations in the street are the next step in the march towards a "Big Brother" society, MPs were warned yesterday. Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner
State investigators listened in on more than 3 million phone conversations last year as local prosecutors sought a record number of wiretaps, mostly to investigate drug crimes. As the federal government has focused its resources on national security
A secret court approved all but one of the government's requests last year to search or eavesdrop on suspected terrorists and spies. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court signed off on 2,176 warrants targeting people in the United States be
A man operated a "warehouse bank" out of his home in the south Seattle suburbs, taking at least $28 million from people around the country who wanted the discretion of a Swiss bank account without going to Switzerland. Robert Arant, of Des
Citing FBI abuses and the attorney general's troubles, senators peppered top Justice and intelligence officials Tuesday with skeptical questions about their proposal to revise the rules for spying on Americans. [And yet, they will give Bush every
Jury selection in the José Padilla case is now under way in federal district court in Miami, but the trial is nothing more than a sham. Why? Because no matter how the jury rules, Padilla is almost certain to remain incarcerated for a long time.
"Read my lips...." used to be a figurative saying. Now the British government is considering taking it literally by adding lip reading technology to some of their four million or so surveillance cameras.
Google has launched a government search site that the company says will simplify the process of finding government information for government employees and contractors.
How many people know how Hitler actually became a dictator? My bet is, very few. I’d also bet that more than a few people would be surprised at how he pulled it off, especially given that after World War I Germany had become a democratic republic.
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