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Police State

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Chicago Tribune

Told to express emotion for a creative-writing class, high school senior Allen Lee penned an essay so disturbing to his 'teacher', school administrators and police that he was charged with disorderly conduct, officials said Wednesday.

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How did the mainstream press get it so wrong? How did the evidence disputing the existence of weapons of mass destruction and the link between Saddam Hussein to 9-11 continue to go largely unreported? (Another day closer to the Revolution)

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In Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments.

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When the mass murder began in the engineering building the police cowered behind their cruisers till Cho finished off the last batch of his 32 victims, then killed himself. Then the police bravely rushed in, sticking their guns in the faces of the tr

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James Bovard for The American Conservative

The Defense Authorization Act of 2006, passed on Sept. 30, empowers President George W. Bush to impose martial law in the event of a terrorist “incident,” if he or other federal officials perceive a shortfall of “public order,” or antiwar protests t

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Sandra Price for CapitolHillBlue

Prohibitions are all in the minds of many Americans who are very involved in their Christian doctrines. They somehow feel that there is something wrong with being able to make these choices on their own without the government’s permission.

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An Englishman's home is no longer his castle, a study shows. There are no fewer than 266 powers under which state officials can enter an individual's home, according to the centre-right thinktank, the Centre for Policy Studies.

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Is there any good reason whatsoever why the federal government should be maintaining "files" which contain information about the pharmaceutical products which ALL Americans are consuming?

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Bob Herbert

When 6-year-old Desre'e Watson threw a tantrum in her kindergarten class a couple of weeks ago she could not have known that the full force of the law would be brought down on her and that she would be carted off by the police as a felon

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Free Market News

Can you say "Thesis, antithesis, synthesis" Politicians excel at "the fine art of crisis creation." Time and again they create policies that fail. Then they exploit those failures to grab more power, and then, almost inevitably, t

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by Justin Raimondo (AntiWar blog)

Peace activists are always hearing how our military is fighting overseas in order to preserve our right to dissent at home, but look what happened to Professor Walter F. Murphy, emeritus of Princeton University, when he tried to board a plane (via Wa

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Detroit Free Press

I came to this museum not out of perversity, but because I was impelled by the German movie "The Lives of Others," which offers a chilling and emotionally powerful portrait of Stasi surveillance of fictional writer and artist couple.

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by Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow

A MORAL Principle met a Material Interest on a bridge wide enough for but one. "Down, you base thing!" thundered the Moral Principle, "and let me pass over you!" The Material Interest merely looked in the other's eyes without
