I believe that it is inevitable that the voters today will give the United States a hard-left government, and our lives will change for it. .... I believe that what is to come will make the Bushies look like clones of Ron Paul.
The announcement follows the controversy surrounding a September 8 Army Times report, which revealed that the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team, fresh from combat duties in Iraq, would be operating inside America...
A video of federal TSA Agents screening and searching New Hampshire residents attempting to participate in a Town Hall Meeting with John McCain in Petersborough, New Hampshire.
The Itemiser allows police officers or door staff to swab customers hands as they enter a pub or club. It can tell almost instantly if drugs are present - including cocaine, cannabis, heroin and ecstasy.
A spy in the sky is keeping track of the riskiest sex offenders. Satellite tracking is monitoring their every step.
"Looking at the terrain, I'm guessing he's sleeping on that hillside," says Jeff Haberman, a community correction
Alas, the looming specter of subway searches has finally descended on our nation’s capital. We’ve long assumed it was just a matter of time, but as time came and went, it seemed the tragic fad of frivolous subway searches would elude us.
Tech giant Siemens has developed what it calls an "Internet Passport" that presents users with a flashing barcode when they visit a bank or shopping site.
Throughout the history of mankind, the elite have always fought for world empire. Now, using secrecy and international banking systems, they are making their final push for world government.
Footage of a FEMA camp in the US. This is available on Google video too, but because a few people simply still don't "get it" when they watch the footage from the Indiana Grove camp, let me spell it out with this one.
Everyone from Darpa to the National Security Initiative seems to be dangling pots of cash in front of inventors, entrepreneurs and scientists to come up with innovative new ideas for defense and national security. Here's another contest to watch.
One theory was that the amnesia was a result of the brilliant flash experienced when the electron beam struck the retina. And, indeed, it turned out that it is possible to produce amnesia in rodents using a flash of light:
“Los Angeles police are using motion-activated cameras to warn vandals that they’re being watched,” reports WOAI for NBC News. “The motion triggers a recorded voice that states, ‘This is the Los Angeles Police Department.
America's Slow-Motion Fascist Coup - ( Naomi Wolf interviews Lew about libertarianism and comes to the conclusion that she just might be a libertarian :)
In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ordered drug makers to put a strong "black-box" warning on antidepressant labels, saying the medications can lead to suicidal thoughts in children. (Buuuut Marijuana must be illegal)
A federal judge yesterday cleared the way for D.C. police to continue using checkpoints to screen motorists going into neighborhoods beset by crime, saying that the public had an "overwhelming need to be protected" from gunmen in cars.
Hollywood director Russo goes in-depth for first time on the astounding admissions of Nick Rockefeller, including his prediction of 9/11 and the war on terror hoax, the Rockefeller's creation of women's lib, and the elite's ultimate plan
David Rockefeller gives a speech about over population. In this video, you will hear and see him discussing how the U.N. should sustain the population.
The new entry system requires people who collect their children to place their finger on a scanner, to make sure that only nominated individuals can get through secure entrances.
Fluoride is being added to children’s milk in 42 schools throughout the city of Sheffield in the UK, despite the chemical’s proven link to liver and kidney damage, cancer and the lowering of IQ. (Did you ever think that's why they do it?)
NSA whistleblowers tell a different story -- including that phone sex conversations were intercepted, recorded, and passed around the office for laughs. "These were just really everyday, average, ordinary Americans who happened to be in the Midd
The US Army hopes, within a few years, to deploy a plasma shield – a machine that generates a protective screen of dazzling mid-air explosions – to stun and disorient an enemy.
But the solution to the problems with “watchlists” is not to tighten their enforcement, but to replace secret administrative “no-fly” and “selectee” determinations with judical determinations of dangerousness, made by judges in response to government
Acetone is used to peel the plastic off the card's millimeter-square chip. Once they isolated the chip, they embedded it in a block of plastic and sanded it down layer by layer to examine its construction. RFID chip reveals the algorithms that co
His report came two days after the World Food Programme said that two thirds of North Koreans do not have enough to eat, in the country’s worst crisis since as many as three million people died of famine a decade ago.
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