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Article Image, TED2012

In this intimate talk filmed at TED's offices, energy theorist Amory Lovins lays out the steps we must take to end the world's dependence on oil (before we run out).

Article Image, by FreeMarketAmerica

The environmental agenda has been infected by extremism—it's become an economic suicide pact. And we're here to challenge it.

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As the developed-world economy tries to gain momentum, it faces a persistent headwind. The oil price remains stubbornly over $100 a barrel, acting like a tax on Western consumers. Some blame the high price on evil speculators—Barack Obama unveiled pl

Article Image, BY Daniel Hertz

Activists in Texas and a South Dakota reservation are fighting a fast-growing industry.

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The European Union has delayed a decision on whether to classify oil sands as a "dirty" form of crude oil, bringing praise from Canadian officials.

Article Image, By Raf Casert

The European Union parliament on Friday condemned Argentina's move to seize control of the YPF division of Spanish oil and gas company Repsol and demanded that the EU take action against Buenos Aires at the World Trade Organization.

Article Image, Common Dreams staff

Despite the ongoing environmental and public health disasters left in the wake of BP's Deepwater Horizon "oilpocalypse" two years ago, deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is "back with a vengeance."