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The battle between slavery and freedom is very much a contest of tactics, ideas, and willpower. Much like a chess game, it can be very useful to occasionally "turn the board around," to see what the battlefield looks like to your opponent.

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I have thought about what the world would be like if our energy were free, required no fuel to produce, was created where and when needed, all without requiring batteries for storage.

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Sus­tain­able con­sump­tion? Recon­fig­uring busi­nesses, infra­struc­ture and insti­tu­tions? What do these words mean? They do not mean merely reshuf­fling the existing order, but rather replacing it with a com­pletely new eco­nomic system, one tha

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Make your own solar panels! Do It Yourself solar panel kits include the solar product components that will allow the buyer to assemble components together towards making a solar panel, and might save money compared to buying finished products.

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New York Times

About 15 years ago, this environmentally conscious state with a fir tree on its license plates began pushing the idea of making renewable energy from the ocean waves that bob and swell on the Pacific horizon. But then one of the first test-buoy gener

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The Energy Centurion oil tanker seized by pirates in Togo’s territorial waters was found off the coast of Nigeria still under pirate control. All the crew members are believed to be safe, as the pirates seem to be interested only in stealing cargo.

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Menke
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Nowadays the energy picture is confusing at best as the more information we are shown the murkier the picture seems to become. Mixed messages, poor reporting and a media hungry to sensationalize anything it thinks can grab a headline have led to many
