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Economy - Economics USA

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Pimco's Bill Gross, head of the world's largest bond fund, says it's time to drop the strong dollar policy and restore U.S. manufacturing strength. Mr. Gross is everybody's go-to guy when it comes to reading the tea leaves about Fede

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Associated Press

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is financing a new Web site that will investigate stock fraud and corporate wrongdoing. The billionaire also said he'll buy and sell stocks based on information before the site publishes it. Cuban said he has

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Washington Post

[Normally referred to as inflation.] US producer prices excluding energy and food rose faster than expected last month and high gasoline prices boosted otherwise tepid retail sales, the government said in reports that signal inflationary pressures.

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Associated press

Wall Street resumed its retreat with another session of steep losses Tuesday as declines in oil and gold prices did little to calm anxiety over inflation. The selloff erased the Dow Jones industrial average's gains so far in 2006.

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The US trade deficit widened 2.5 percent in April to 63.4 billion dollars as imports of oil and cheap goods from China rose. The US trade performance was better than expected by economists, who had predicted an April figure of 65.0 billion dollars. T

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USA Today

States and local governments across the USA are preparing to cash in valuable public assets for one-time windfalls that could reap tens of billions of dollars. The deals would let governments collect billions of extra dollars without raising taxes bu

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Ben Bernanke is getting a taste of just how hard it is to turn theory into practice. The former Princeton University economist, who wants clarity the theme of his Fed chairmanship, is discovering that his words can send the markets careening.

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In recent years, with interest rates low and credit easy, U.S. companies have gorged on high-yield debt. There was more than $1 trillion worth of high-yield issues in the U.S. last year, up from $750 billion in 2002.

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Associated Press

Stocks dropped Wednesday, extending investors' losses for the third straight session and pushing the Dow Jones industrial average below 11,000 for the first time since March 9. The Dow has lost more than 316 points this week; the selloff has a

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[This is a great story about the free market, and a clever businessman.] The most popular feature of the self-proclaimed World's Largest Laundromat is not the massive machines that wash eight loads at a time. It is the aviary.

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Associated Press

Factory orders fell in April. The 5-year housing boom is cooling, with home sales falling and price gains slowing. In the biggest shocker of all, the government reported businesses created just 75,000 new jobs in May 100,000 fewer than expected.

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Associated press

With the latest batch of economic numbers doing little to dispel investors' uncertainty about the economy, turbulence in the energy market could make Wall Street's ride bumpier this week. Investors have been poring over recent data for clu

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The baby boom generation has been described as a pig going through a python. The problem is that the pig is getting close to the end of the python. Many baby boomers are facing retirement without adequate savings of their own. Together with Medicare

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Associated Press

Consumer confidence soured in May, as Americans fretted about the overall economy's future and the job outlook. The drop in a widely watched barometer of sentiment was the steepest since hurricanes pummeled the Gulf Coast last year, increasing wo

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USA Today

Federal, state and local governments have added nearly $10 trillion to taxpayer liabilities in the past 2 years, bringing the total of government's unfunded obligations to an unprecedented $57.8 trillion. The equivalent of a $510,678 credit card

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Associated Press

The economy showed even more pep than initially thought in the first quarter, zipping ahead at a 5.3% pace. But a less energetic housing market and high energy prices are now taking out some of the oomph. "I think we sort of had the last hurr

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The federal government also has a $2.3 trillion unfunded liability for retiree medical and disability benefits for civil and military personnel. Medicare's unfunded liability of $33.4 trillion and Social Security's $4.6 trillion shortfall, t

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The market has reached nearly $75 per barrel without a disastrous supply event. Contrast that with the previous price spike in the second half of last year, driven in part by a very real disruption: the massive dislocation caused by the devastating 2

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The House early Thursday passed a $2.8 trillion budget blueprint. The vote in the late-night session fell almost entirely along party lines, with the final vote tally 218-210. Casting ballots against the GOP package were all House Democrats; 12