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Economy - Economics USA

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by James D. Miller (TCS Daily)

Democrats want to raise the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour. But raising the minimum wage will harm unskilled workers. If the price of gas went up by 40%, people would buy less gas. Similarly, if the wages businesses must pay low ski

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There is simply no way for our national bills to be paid under current levels of taxation and promised benefits. Our combined federal deficits now total more than 400% of GDP. Treasury/OMB report entitled Financial Report of the United States Govern

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Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Right now, a nickel is the closest thing to "Honest Money" we have. We are in the ironic situation where the value of the dollar is falling but the value of a nickel is rising. In what time frame will the current (and probably soon to be co

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David Galland for Daily Reckoning

78 million is the number of baby boomers who are in or approaching retirement. That’s the biggest demographic bulge in U.S. history, fully 26% of the population. And they are still carrying historic levels of debt and counting on shaky housing pric

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ABC Radio Austrailia

In his opening remarks, US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson urged China to work towards a freely floating exchange rate. Mr Paulson says Washington wants to see market forces setting the rate of the Chinese currency, the yuan.

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By Judi McLeod - CanadaFreePress

The billions of dollars China has invested in the flagging American economy will be worthless. They will have to negotiate the exchange rate to the new amero. This will then force the creation of the North American Union.

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Cato Inst.

Foreign ownership of long-term U.S. Treasury securities increased from 19% in December 1994 to 52% of the larger total outstanding in June 2005. The large continued purchase of treasury securities abroad has had broadly beneficial effects on the U.S.

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