Kentucky Announces Creationist Theme Park
• slatest.slate.comWhat better way to boost the Kentucky economy than with a creationist theme park?
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What better way to boost the Kentucky economy than with a creationist theme park?
Lindsey Williams - Author of: "THE ELITE SPEAK: To Seduce a Nation" and "The Energy Non-Crisis" / Ivan Eland - Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute
Mail Your House Keys to the Banksters - Attacking the World, Paul Craig Roberts on the American empire - Why Is Greenland So Rich These Days?, Because it seceded from the EU. Article by Alex Singleton.
"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." -- Henry Ford
The law of gravity is applicable to the behavior of falling objects on the U.S. mainland but not applicable on our Pacific Ocean territories Samoa and Northern Mariana Islands. You say, "Williams, that's lunacy! Laws are applicable everywhere; that's
More than 8 million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year. The decline stems from a combination of consumer choices and bank actions. An analysis by credit reporting agency TransUnion found that use of general purpose credit card
The people responsible for this know what they're doing is not only wrong, they know factually that it cannot work in the intermediate and long run. They don't care. They're only interested in their ability to loot.
In this Russia today interview by Max Keiser, Bregtje van der Haak explains the mindset of Californians suffering thru the worst economy in over 70 years. They believe that the people who destroyed them are winners, and they are losers...
At my home and at the Freedoms Phoenix Workshop... the Clipboard Brigade is a'commin.
In Studio - Jack Gregson- Freedoms Phoenix Economic Columnist: "The End is Nigh" / Scott Horton - WikiLeaks, Iran, Middle East, War Machine
In Studio - Jack Gregson- Freedoms Phoenix Economic Columnist: "The End is Nigh" / Scott Horton - WikiLeaks, Iran, Middle East, War Machine
'Getting this budget under control is going to require some broad sacrifice,' Obama says. The pay freeze, which does not apply to the military, is part of an effort to contain the $1.3-trillion federal deficit, the White House says.
The price of silver is surging and so is business at many coin dealers across the country. At an appraisals shop in Manhattan is seeing a tremendous demand both in new and older silver coins. “This is probably the strongest demand there’s been in the
Ron Paul has 2 proposals for the new Congress: 1) Refuse to raise the debt limit! Find a way, month by month, for Congress to spend only what the Treasury raises in revenue. 2) Start over from scratch with the 13 appropriations bills that fund the
But unlike QE1, QE2 is not about saving the banks. It’s about funding the federal deficit without increasing the interest tab, something that may be necessary in this gridlocked political climate just to keep the government functioning.
The economic downturn has US cable television companies shedding subscribers in record numbers and Americans increasingly "cutting the cord" in favor of cheaper online options, new research shows.
Meanwhile in America, the sheeple remain content with, or blind to, their role as sheep to be slaughtered to feed the rich.
Do you think our Congress is listening? Europe is falling apart, capitalistic socialism is failing, their bailouts are getting worse and yet we have a Speaker of the House of the lame-duck session of our Congress to is unwilling to do what histori
The US needs to take urgent action to cut its debt in order to prevent the next financial crisis, which may start in Washington, Sheila Bair, chair of the Federal Deposits Insurance Corp. (FDIC)
The US needs to take urgent action to cut its debt in order to prevent the next financial crisis, which may start in Washington, Sheila Bair, chair of the Federal Deposits Insurance Corp. (FDIC)
TSA Lies About the Scanner Radiation Dose - Korean Troubles and the Horrific Impact of War, Jim Rogers on global market corrections and commodities - Moving Your Precious Metals Into Canada? - 14 Survival Lessons
Patrick Lee went from homeowner to home renter this year.
There's good news and bad news on the economic front today. The good news is that corporate profits are through the roof, but the bad news is that it's because "companies have been able to make more with less,"
The first 12 hours of a U.S. dollar collapse! http://inflation.us --- 'Nuff said !!!
China and Russia have decided to renounce the US dollar and resort to using their own currencies for bilateral trade, Premier Wen Jiabao and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin announced late on Tuesday.
"New orders for manufactured durable goods in October decreased $6.8 billion or 3.3 percent to $196.0 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced today. This decrease, down two of the last three months...
A Malaysian man has been arrested after Secret Service agents caught him in a sting operation and found 400,000 bank card numbers on his computer.
If the mortgage notes were not properly distributed to the different parties involved, the foreclosure process could be stopped by anyone who asked where the mortgage note is or who holds it.
But Whitney notes that problem banks are far from the only problem. The ranks of the unbanked will rise to 41 million households in 2015 from 30 million now, she says, as bankers reconsider the costs and benefits of all manner of products.
As anticipated, the Unofficial Problem Bank List rose above 900 as the OCC released its actions through the middle of October 2010 today.