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Economy - Economics USA

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Across the country, banks are failing. Without financing obtained, by threat, from the citizens (i.e., “taxpayers”) many of the banks “too large to fail” would have done just that.

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The Daily Bell

We, a working group of people currently occupying Liberty Park and many other locations throughout the US, are growing increasingly concerned about divide and conquer attempts being made to co-opt the movement.

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The Daily Bell

Among the not-so-private problems afflicting the generally hopeful movement of Occupy Wall Street is the schism between the libertarian wing and what might be called the "statist" element of the movement.

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youtube (h/t Lew Rockwell blog)

To government conscripts, in 1944. You see, inflation is all the fault of soldier-consumers, who punish the people of occupied countries by raising prices and diminishing supply through their purchases. Instead, conscripts should put their depreciati

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"Occupy Wall Street protesters have picked up Ron Paulish monetary ideas — although some know better. I thought I’d say a word about one particular idea that sounds plausible to some people but is actually quite wrong: banning fractional reserve bank

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It’s always troubling when governments go after firms like GoldMoney. The more signs I see, the more I’m starting to believe that we’re heading down a path where precious metals are once again confiscated, outlawed, or at least severely restricted in

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Most of us who are aware of world financial trends know that earlier this year thousands of Greeks took to the street and mercilessly engaged in destruction of property around Athens. They were upset about having to tighten their belts in the wake of

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Asian and Middle Eastern central banks and sovereign wealth funds are increasingly anxious about the safety of their investments in the debt of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , despite the assurances of US government officials.

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Meredith Whitney is the most controversial financial analyst in America, a woman who beats the big boys by making more aggressive predictions than they do. But has her crystal ball finally cracked?

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Here's something you may not have heard of yet: A one trillion dollar federal program to enable local governments to purchase vacant residential, commercial, and industrial properties from banks and demolish them.