A privately-built space station prototype successfully launched into orbit Thursday from a Russian missile base, kicking off the second test flight for the U.S. firm Bigelow Aerospace.
Genesis 2, an inflatable module laden with cameras, personal i
The Demo Flight 2 Flight Review. The primary mission objectives for the Demo Flight 2 mission, both programmatic and technical, were met by this flight. The vehicle attained a peak altitude of 289 km, 5.1 km/s maximum velocity and remained in the cen
It has been two years now since the seven pronged multi-beam receiver was hoisted above the Arecibo radio telescope and installed in the Gregorian dome, 500 feet above the surface of the dish. During this time the new receiver had become an inseparab
HONOLULU -- Speedy solar storms carrying a billion tons of charged gas through space let out a thunderous scream before they unleash satellite-stopping radiation storms that slam into Earth's magnetic field.
Inside a truck trailer, surrounded by half a dozen flat-screen monitors mounted on carpeted walls, Elon Musk eats Starburst candy with the intensity of a kid on Halloween. He's hunched over in his chair, focusing on the TV that displays a live v
A little NASA Mars rover has come across soil that scientists said on Tuesday suggests hot springs may have percolated long ago on the Martian surface, providing an environment conducive to life.
A NASA working document on ways to find and deflect celestial objects that might threaten Earth is deeply flawed in ways that exaggerate the cost and difficulty of the programme, critics say.
"The moon probe project is the third milestone in China's space technology after satellite and manned spacecraft projects, and a first step for us in exploring deep space," Sun said.
Build huge satellites in Earth orbit to gather sunlight, convert it to electricity, and beam the energy to Earth using microwaves. We know we can do it, most satellites are powered by solar energy today and microwave beaming of energy has been demons
Scientists have detected a stellar explosion that is the brightest and most energetic ever recorded, and which could be the first evidence of a new type of supernova fueled by an antimatter engine.
Researchers discovered strong evidence the planet Mercury has a molten core. This explains a 3-decade old planetary mystery that began with the flight of the Mariner 10 spacecraft. Among its discoveries was that Mercury had its own weak magnetic fiel
Incredible new images of the planet Jupiter have been released by NASA from the New Horizon's spacecraft.
NASA said the pictures have impressed scientists with never-before-seen perspectives of the giant planet's atmosphere, rings, and moo
Hawking, considered one of the giants among physicists pondering the beginnings of the universe, said he hopes to take a greater leap into the heavens in 2009 on a space plane being developed by Richard Branson's company Virgin Galactic
And all were agreed - Trekkies, anxious relatives and the gathered ranks of the media - that last night Scotty the Scottish engineer from Star Trek got the send-off he deserved.
An Earth-like planet spotted outside our solar system is the first found that could support liquid water and harbor life. The new planet is about 50% bigger than Earth and about 5 times more massive. A diminutive red dwarf star located 20.5 light-yea
Saturn’s icy moon Dione may have much in common with its active sibling Enceladus. “We see smooth plains with low crater densities.”
The hallmark of cryovolcanism, which manifests itself as an outpouring of icy liquids from a moon’s interior.
[So astrology was right?] The rise and fall of species on Earth might be driven in part by the undulating motions of our solar system as it travels through the disk of the Milky Way.
Imaging Earth-like exoplanets is a daunting challenge because the dim starlight that such relatively small worlds reflect is easily overpowered by the glare of their far larger, brighter parent stars. New techniques can overcome this glare, enabling
Human error caused NASA's Mars Global Surveyor to fail in November after the spacecraft spent nearly a decade mapping the Martian surface from orbit, the U.S. space agency said.
One is a secretive aviation legend who made history by designing the first private manned rocket to reach space. The other is a publicity-savvy entrepreneur shooting to take his famous brand literally out of this world.
American engineer Burt Ruta
The chaotic atmosphere of Venus has long baffled scientists. Winds speeds are so high that clouds can be ferried around the entire planet in only four Earth-days in what scientists call a "super-rotation." Yet Venus, a rocky world, takes 24
Russia is working on a space transport system that could eventually lead to the industrialization of the moon, a space expert said. Thirty-eight years after the US put the first man on the moon, Russia could reach it using Soyuz rockets
Space entrepreneur Robert Bigelow rolled out a business plan to dot low Earth orbit with habitable complexes to serve 2 markets: “Sovereign Clients” that represent foreign space agencies and “Prime Clients” that come from multinational corporations.
When stars like our Sun die, they bloat to become red giants and then eject gigantic clouds of gas and dust into space. Increasingly, however, scientists found themselves at a profound loss to explain how exactly dying stars could blow away these clo
Astronomers using data from several X-ray satellites have caught a magnetar – the remnant of a massive star with an incredibly strong magnetic field – in a sort of giant cosmic belch.
Results from a recent study of the microbes in China’s remote deserts could help astrobiologists refine their maps for uncovering Martian life.
Ongoing studies of Mars analogs on Earth have combed the iciest regions and the driest areas. But the n
A Mars-orbiting satellite spotted 7 dark spots near the planet's equator that scientists think could be entrances to underground caves. "Caves on Mars could be the only structures that preserve evidence of past or present microbial life ,
NASA is preparing to test an inflatable structure that might one day be used to establish an outpost on the Moon.
Created by NASA contractor ILC Dover LP, the pumped-up structure sits poised for tests at the agency’s Langley Research Center in Vir
This is a further report on telemetry on the second flight of the Falcon 1 private launch rocket platform system. Testing is over ... now for the real goods at 1/3rd the cost of current government launch systems per pound lifted to high orbit.
One of the most bizarre weather patterns known has been photographed at Saturn, where astronomers have spotted a huge, six-sided feature circling the north pole. NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft imaged it more than 2 decades ago. Now, having spo
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