The first launch of 2007 by Sea Launch Company LLC ended in failure when the vehicle carrying the SES New Skies NSS-8 telecommunications satellite was destroyed as it was lifting off from the mobile launch platform in the Pacific Ocean.
Brian Emmett's childhood fantasy came true when he won a free trip to outer space. But the 31-year old was crushed when had had to cancel his reservation because of Uncle Sam. (Just how is the public being served by this stupidity)
The last refuge for Martian life, if it exists, might be deep below the planet’s surface and beyond the reach of any currently planned missions. After mapping cosmic radiation levels at various depths on Mars, any life within the first several yards
Head of the Swedish Space Corp. said that the Swedish government also will take charge of the technology-export approvals needed to export SpaceshipTwo and related hardware to Sweden during flight campaigns. (US Gov. Permit??!!!)
Then reality struck. After some number-crunching, Emmett realized he would have to report the $138,000 galactic joy ride as income and owe $25,000 in taxes. The 31-year-old software consultant from the San Francisco Bay area gave up his seat.
Scientists trying to find out where all the water on Mars went ruled out one culprit -- new measurements show the Sun did not blow it away.
They measured ions -- charged particles -- being blown off the planet by the solar wind, itself a stream of
The second private space station launch has been delayed until April due to backup of waiting launches from the Russian launch vehicle which had a subsequent mishap just after the successful Genesis I launch.
NASA astronaut and former Univ. of Hawaii solar physicist Edward Lu is calling for a new spacecraft that would divert asteroids on a path to slam into Earth. The small space tractor, costing $300 million, would hover near an asteroid to exert enough
India's space agency said an orbiting capsule had been successfully returned to Earth, marking a major step toward the development of a highly-prized manned space program.
Space scientists are evaluating use of Moon-based instruments to study the Earth. Lunar situated sensors at an Earth Observatory could yield distinctive observations of our home world, its vegetation, polar caps, as well as monitor Sun/Earth interact
The Local Group is a collection of about 40 galaxies, of which the Milky Way and Andromeda are the dominant members. The rest of the galaxies are mostly small satellites known as “dwarf galaxies” that are gravitationally bound to these two galaxies.
The hunt for elusive gravitational waves has a new target: singing cosmic superstrings that theoretically emit the long-sought waves as they vibrate.
The superstrings are “so light that they can’t have any effect on cosmic structure, but they crea
It appears that improperly-coded software caused the Mars Global Surveyor to point its heat-shedding radiator toward the Sun, causing the battery to overheat to the point of failure.
New Horizons began taking black-and-white images of Jupiter and scanning the planet’s icy moon Callisto in the infrared this week as it prepares for a close encounter with the gas giant next month.
“They’re certainly all we could have hoped for,”
The space lint was detected in a disk encircling AU Microscopii, a relatively young red dwarf star, just 12 million years old, located 32 light-years from Earth. The newfound fluffy particles are about ten times larger than interstellar dust grains a
NASA space probes that visited Mars 30 years ago may have stumbled upon alien microbes on the Red Planet and inadvertently killed them, a scientist theorizes in a paper.
The change will standardize parts and tools. It means Russian wrenches could be used to fix an air leak in a U.S.-built habitat. It will also make communications easier, such as when determining how far to send a rover for a science project.
Astronomers have mapped the positions of vast, invisible isles of dark matter in the sky, within which normal "bright" matter galaxies are embedded like glittering gems. The three-dimensional map spans not only space, but also time, and str
The discovery of several large, metal-poor stars located far from the center of the Andromeda galaxy suggests our nearest galactic neighbor might be up to five times larger than previously thought.
The newfound stars are massive, bloated stars kno
With a big enough radio telescope, astronomers could create a map detailing the structure and distribution of invisible dark matter in the universe up to 10 times sharper than previous ones made using visible light telescopes.
Images shot last summer by NASA's Cassini spacecraft provide the strongest evidence yet that Titan, a saturnian moon and one of the most Earth-like celestial bodies in the solar system, is dotted with a multitude of liquid lakes.
The highly ionized solar wind blows around our planet, disrupting satellites and endangering unprotected astronauts. A flotilla of four satellites have recently measured random variations in the solar wind's propagation, providing the first defin
A renewal of robotic lunar exploration is ready for liftoff in 2007—and not by the United States. This year, China is set to launch its first lunar orbiter, followed by the summer sendoff of a mega-powerful mooncraft from Japan.
NASA’s Opportunity and Spirit Mars rovers are on the prowl. Science teams are plotting out new escapades for the twin robots—new destinations certain to reveal more secrets from the red planet.
Space shuttle Discovery and its 7 astronauts safely returned to Earth on Friday after some last-minute suspense over which landing site to use, closing out a year in which NASA finally got construction of the international space station back on track
[Oh, I feel so safe.] “The regulations require launch vehicle operators to provide certain safety-related information and identify what an operator must do to conduct a licensed launch with a human on board,” the FAA explained in a statement.
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