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BBC News

The government has been accused of covering up the sale of 20 tonnes of heavy water to Israel for its nuclear programme in the early 1950s. The UK knew the ingredient it sold to Norway would be subsequently sold on to Israel for nuclear weapons.

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Jewish Telegraphic Agency

3 scenarios if Bashar Assad is toppled: chaos, an Islamist regime or another strongman from Assad’s minority Alawite sect. Israel fears all those options, saying Assad provides a measure of stability. US officials dismissed concerns

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Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's new centrist party would win a March election, altering Israel's political map by crushing rightists opposed to peacemaking with the Palestinians, surveys found on Friday.

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Associated Press

Palestinians took control of a border for the first time Friday with the festive opening of the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt, a milestone on their rocky path to independence and a rare moment of joy for fenced-in Gazans.

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The Guardian

The British assessments of Israeli intentions is jeopardising the prospect of a peace agreement by trying to put the future of Arab East Jerusalem beyond negotiation and risks driving Palestinians living in the city into radical groups.

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Associated Press

Iran obtained detailed instructions on how to set up the complicated process of enriching uranium, which can used to make nuclear arms, from the black market network run by a Pakistani scientist.

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Associated Press

Iran said the satellite would be purely scientific. But a month after its launch — and only weeks after the president said Israel should be wiped off the map — the head of Tehran's space program now says the Sina-1 is capable of spying on the

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Associated Press

Prodded by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Israel and the Palestinians agreed on details for opening the borders of the Gaza Strip and allowing freer movement for Palestinians elsewhere, a significant step toward an eventual peace deal between h

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Associated Press

Israeli prisoner Ramil Razilo was removing rubble from the planned site of a new prison ward when his shovel uncovered the edge of an elaborate mosaic, unveiling what may be the Holy Land's oldest church.

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Top Israeli cabinet ministers on Tuesday approved a border crossing between Gaza and Egypt, to allow Palestinians to come and go freely after the Israeli withdrawal from the strip, Israeli officials said.

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Agence France Presse

The Israeli army launched artillery and air attacks on two Gaza Strip targets in retaliation for the first rocket attacks on Israeli soil by Palestinian militants since they declared an informal truce last month.

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Israeli troops on Monday shot dead a top Islamic Jihad commander in the occupied West Bank, the most senior Palestinian militant killed since the start of an eight-month-old ceasefire.

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GUSH ETZION, West Bank Oct 17, 2005 — Israel suspended negotiations with the Palestinian Authority on issues such as prisoner releases and slapped tough travel restrictions on the West Bank after Palestinian gunmen killed three Israelis and wounded f

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