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World News

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Associated Press

Considered felons by the government, these migrants fear detention, rape and robbery. Police and soldiers hunt them down at railroads, bus stations and fleabag hotels. Sometimes they are deported; more often officers simply take their money.

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BBC News

"The legal constraints upon us have to be set against an enemy that adheres no constraints whatsoever, but an enemy so swift to insist that we do in every particular, and that makes life very difficult for the forces of democracy," said the

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Agence France Presse

Opponents of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra welcomed the premier's sudden announcement that he would step down in a bid to reunite a nation divided by weeks of protests. Public anger erupted over his family's $1.9-billion tax-free sale of

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New York Times

This is the other front of Pakistan's widening civil unrest, not the tribal areas along the Afghan border where the US would like the government to press a campaign against Islamic militants, but the restive province of Baluchistan, home to an in

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Associated Press

On his last visit to Iran, Canadian-based blogger Hossein Derakhshan was detained and interrogated, then forced to sign a letter of apology for his blog writings before being allowed to leave the country. Compared to others, Derakhshan is lucky.

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Belarussian courts jailed for up to 15 days on public order offences more than 150 mostly young protesters detained when police broke up rallies against a presidential election judged unfair by the West. No defense lawyers were present and the verdic

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The Independent

Complaining of unpaid wages, and demanding better conditions, the labourers marched out of the cramped, stifling dormitories where they are corralled 25 to a room in violent protests which caused $1m worth of damage. They overturned cars and smashed

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Associated Press

Thousands of Belarusians defied a massive show of force by the hard-line government, protesting in streets swarming with riot police and gathering peacefully in a park to denounce President Lukashenko after a disputed election returned him to power.

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In the most audacious public challenge to the man who has just been re-elected after running Belarus with an iron rod for 12 years, his challenger told a rally: "I declare the creation of a Popular Movement for the Liberation of Belarus."

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BBC News

The EU and US are to impose sanctions against Belarus over an election that gave President Lukashenko a landslide victory and 3rd term. The opposition says 500 people were detained after riot police broke up a 5-day long protest against the poll.