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World News

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By Geri Smith for Latin America Businessweek

Now that López Obrador has presented his petition to the tribunal, he would do well to call off the protests and let the judges do their work. But he is unlikely to do that. He has a long history of staging public demonstrations to protest political

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Led by fast-growing China and India, Asia is going nuclear in a big way to feed its ravenous appetite for energy. The strains of economic growth are already showing. Energy shortages have forced Chinese factories to scale back production, and farm

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European and African ministers said the waves of illegal migrants seeking a better future in Europe would not be stopped unless Europe helped Africa fight poverty. The ministers, meeting in Rabat to reach a plan on migration, came from 50 nations,

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Militiamen linked to Somalia's sharia courts faced off with a group vowing to fight Mogadishu's new Islamist rulers as residents feared another flare-up in fighting after a month of relative peace. And in another indication of the emerging

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Prosecutors investigating the Khmer Rouge genocide of the 1970s said on Friday it will take months to assemble cases against those responsible for the deaths of 1.7 million people. "The investigation phase of any trial is a long process,

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Britain marked the first anniversary of the London suicide bombings with flowers, candles and a 2-minute silence on Friday as the city's police chief said another attack now looked more likely. One year after four young British Islamists blew

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Two senior Cuban officials charged that a report on the communist nation delivered to the Bush administration's National Security Council amounted to a blueprint for an Iraq-style regime change in the Caribbean. "We are facing a real thre

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A couple of years ago, Taiwanese President Shui-bian regularly outraged Beijing with his rhetorical blasts suggesting the high-tech island economy might someday pursue full-fledged independence from mainland China. Nowadays, he is fighting for his po

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Daily Star(Lebanon)

For the first time since Iran walked away from negotiations with France, Germany and Great Britain in August 2005, there are rays of optimism in the crisis over the Islamic Republic's nuclear program. Before breaking out the champagne to celebra

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A prominent Somali cleric who is on the United States list of terror suspects has been elected as head of an Islamist militia that controls the Somali capital and most of the southern regions. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys was elected in absentia late

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Martin Gilbertson had gone to police in October 2003 about the men after becoming alarmed about anti-Western material being produced by an Islamic bookshop in West Yorkshire where he helped maintain computers. He says he sent West Yorkshire Police
