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World News

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Michael Slackman - New York Times

With the tone of a teacher and the certainty of a believer, the president of Iran wrote to President Bush that Western democracy has failed and that the invasion of Iraq, American treatment of prisoners, and support for Israel cannot be reconciled wi

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Christian Science Monitor

More than half the gas used in Brazil is Bolivian, and in Sao Paulo - the state that accounts for roughly half of Brazil's GDP - the figure is 75 percent. Any disruption in supply from Bolivia would hit Brazil hard, and those in the heavily indus

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BBC News

David Lucas, of Mildenhall, Suffolk, said he had been selling execution equipment to countries including Zimbabwe for about 10 years. Mr Lucas said the trade was not sick and "business is business". The execution equipment he says he sells

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Associated Press

President Hugo Chavez said voters should have the chance to decide whether he should govern the country for the next 25 years. Speaking at a stadium, Chavez said he would hold a referendum to put the question of his remaining in office to Venezuel

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Iran's President sent an unprecedented letter to US President George W. Bush on Monday, but it was unclear whether its content offered any practical solution to the stand-off over Tehran's nuclear programme.

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Prime Minister Tony Blair says that any consideration of a nuclear attack against Iran would be "absoluetly absurd," and said that issue had no bearing on his decision to demote his foreign secretary.

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India's prime minister called for a "pan Asian" free trade area embracing major economies to drive the region's growth. "We are linking India into a web of partnerships with the countries of the region through free trade and co

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Daily Times Pakistan

The United States want direct access to Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan and President Bush, in his recent visit to Pakistan, told President Pervez Musharraf that US experts want to question the detained scientist

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USA Today

[While USA acts imperious.] China is expanding military and economic ties throughout Latin America, taking advantage of a wave of anti-American candidates who have come to power and a US law barring military training and aid to a dozen Latin countrie

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International News

Turkey has massed troops along its border with Iraq to increase pressure on the US and the new government in Baghdad to act against a growing threat from Kurdish rebels based in Northern Iraq.

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China Daily News

The local elections for England, held once every four years, turned out to be as bad as the ruling Labor Party could imagine, with results showing on Friday that Blair's Labor has lost over 300 councilors whereas the opposition Conservative Party

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Forbes (Reuters)

Cuban President Fidel Castro was furious when Forbes magazine estimated his fortune at $550 million last year. This year, the magazine upped its estimate of the communist leader's wealth to a cool $900 million.

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Prime Minister Tony Blair fired his law and order chief, and chose a new foregin secretary on Friday, trying to restore public support in his troubled government after his Labour Party took a pounding in local elections.

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Associated Press

[Jim Rummy?] Hungarian builders who drank their way to the bottom of a huge barrel of rum while renovating a house got a nasty surprise when a pickled naked male corpse tumbled out of the empty barrel. The rum had a "special taste" so they

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New York Times

There is something perversely satisfying about soaking in a tub of beer. First theres is the yeasty aroma of malt and hops, followed by a warm sticky sensation as the brown liquid envelope your body.