New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Tuesday switched his party status from Republican to unaffiliated, a stunning move certain to be seen as a prelude to an independent presidential bid that would upend the 2008 race.
The billionaire former CEO, w
The abortion question keeps coming up. I have a couple of questions that I haven't heard asked yet and I think Mitt needs to clarify a few things. Watch his lips for yourself
As the Democratic presidential candidates gather in Washington to make their pitch to party activists this week, "liberal" is suddenly no longer a dirty word.
In recent months, virtually the entire Democratic field has tacked left -- not
A president with dismal approval ratings and a bitter intraparty rupture over immigration are obvious problems for Republican politicians. The combination is emerging as something less obvious: an opportunity.
In terms of his pursuit of the Republican nomination, it’s already halftime for the Ron Paul Revolution. He announced his campaign in January and by February the nomination will likely be decided. It’s true that most of the country is not paying any
"What happens in Vegas,... is shared with the planet" :) - Ron Paul will be in Las Vegas for the 2007 FreedomFest so we'll make sure everyone knows he's in town.
In 2002, before the invasion of Iraq, Congressman Ron Paul (R -TX) appeared on NOW WITH BILL MOYERS and explained why he was not yet convinced that an invasion was necessary and justified.
Rachel's thoughts on the libertarian rumblings throughout the western world, old media vs. new media, and "scientific" polling. (You watch, this young lady is the next newscaster star of the Internet. Media offers will soon follow,..
Rep. Ron Paul is more popular on Facebook than Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). He's got more friends on MySpace than former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. His MeetUp groups, with 11,924 members in 279 cities, are the biggest...
I'm sick and tired of these pro-Ron Paul diaries. Ron Paul is a RETHUG, and anymore with a cursory competence using Google can see that he's made some very vile racist statements through his newsletter. Go ahead do it. (Take a look at the
Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney said Saturday that if he's elected, he wants "to carry the big stick" by increasing the size of the nation's military.
The former Massachusetts governor said his plans include boosting
Here's an article translated into English from a French website. I've communicated with people from the Philipines and the Middle East, and even they have heard of him. This is awesome!!!!
Ron Paul speaks to the 100+ supporters that greeted him at the airport. (BTW - the airport called the Ron Paul National campaign to complain that they need to be informed when Ron Paul comes in the future so they can plan for crowd control :)
A January research study completed by the Pew Research Center suggests that more Americans are relying on the Internet as a source of political news. As such, the recent online success the Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has achieved shoul
By 52% to 31%, Americans say they want Democrats to win the presidency next year.
Americans give the Republican Party their most negative assessment in the two-decade history of the Journal/NBC survey, and by 49% to 36% they say the Democratic Par
When: Saturday, June 16, 2007 9:00 am to 10:00 am PST
Where: Sky Harbor International Airport - 3400 Sky Harbor Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85034 Who: Fox News National & Ron Paul Supporters
Driving around the Salt Lake valley in the past few weeks I have noticed several banners hanging in prominent locations with nothing more than the words “Ron Paul Revolution”. My wife and I have both commented on them, and their obvious appeal toward
Time Warner Inc.'s CNN and Google Inc.'s YouTube said they will co-sponsor upcoming Democratic and Republican presidential debates, enabling people to submit questions to candidates via videos sent through the YouTube online video community.
Missouri State Congressman Jim Guest hopes to use his national, "anti-Real ID" coalition of states - up to 34 of them - to support Congressman Ron Paul's presidential candidacy. The congressman will be introducing Ron Paul (R-TX) at an
A new political group recently asked Mitt Romney to promise not to wiretap Americans without a judge's approval or to imprison US citizens without a trial as "enemy combatants." When Romney declined to sign their pledge, the group deno
The background is that Ron Paul has returned to the Pajamas Media Poll because the Presidential candidate got one percent of the vote in the most recent Gallup Poll. He immediately shot into the lead with ... at this moment ... an amazing 52%. And th
The Ron Paul Revolution is on the move. This video will get you going, Pass it on , favorit it, rate it, comment on it. Get it up there, and be sure to check out my other videos.
Airport Greeting Saturday morning - Airport Send off Saturday afternoon - Arizona Republican Assembly speech at Noon - Fox Cable News will be at Sky Harbor to interview Ron Paul at 10am, so the larger the crowd the better :)
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