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Paul is the underdog in the Presidential race, dismissed by the mainstream media and political pundits as nothing more than a kook with no hope at all. And yet if you believe online polls he will be the next President. The secret recipe for Paul’s ev

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Students for Ron Paul

From the beginning of the campaign until the end of the 2nd fundraising quarter, Ron Paul has raised nearly $2.4 million. Notice the spikes after each debate and the steady increase over time. Note: only includes donations above $200.

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Las Vegas Sun OpEd

The crowd's thunderous approvals might be expected in Nevada, especially the rural counties with their strong Libertarian streak. But this wasn't Elko or Winnemucca. This was Paris Las Vegas on the Strip. The crowd was young, urban, and hip.

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Many people see Mr.Gravel as shocking or weird even, but thats just probably because they aren't used to hearing the unfiltered truth told to them....maybe thats why CNN tried to block him out of the 2nd Presidential debates (he fought his way in

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ABC News

Five McCain press aides -- including his three top communications officials -- quit en masse, just days after the campaign lost its chief strategist and campaign manager among dozens of aides being shed as part of aggressive cost-cutting measures.

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Radical Liberatioin Blog

As I look around for a leader to replace Bush, I have to go back and see who was making sounder judgments than I during the time of 9/11 hysteria. It wasn't any of the "top tier candidates," Democrat or Republican. That person was Ron

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(And what does all this spending get them. Ron Paul rules!!) It didn't matter whether they raised more money or not, most presidential candidates certainly boosted their spending in the second quarter of the year. More on staff, travel, consul

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If one man's trash is another man's treasure, then one politician's old papers are potentially another politician's -- or journalist's -- gold mine. Which explains why Republican Fred Thompson's previously little-noticed pers

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Candidate Stats

Quick and up to date reference on how much attention internet blogs are giving individual presidential candidates. The statistical information on this website is presented in the form of bar graphs provided by

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the Internet

Justine Lam, eCampaign coordinator of the Ron Paul campaign tries a novel way to stream video of the rally. She attached a webcam to her hat and walked around talking to the crowd and watched the speeches. (we'll see the video soon I'm sure)

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Former Virginia Gov. James Gilmore is dropping his underdog bid for the Republican presidential nomination today, his top strategist told Politico. Gilmore said he is considering running for governor a second time, or running for the U.S. Senate if S

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