Ron Paul News * 06.26.07 - Sobran: The Honor of Ron Paul * 06.21.07 - Lone Star * 06.20.07 - Stupid Party - Republicans Rage Against Ron Paul * 06.07.07 - Ron Paul’s One-Man Band in the Granite State
He doesn’t belong in a party that has made “conservative” a synonym for “destructive.” George Will calls him a “useful anachronism” because he actually believes, as literally as circumstances permit, in the U.S. Constitution.
The poll, conducted by the Truth In Voting Academy, was taken between May 25, and June 25, of this year. Only one question was asked of the voters: "Who do you most want to be the next President of the United States?"
The physician and GOP presidential candidate has requested earmarks for about 50 items, largely for water projects. Aide Tom Lizardo says Paul always asked for spending for his district in response to local government requests. Paul feels it's up
YouTube Video Now Democratic Congressmen are breaking ranks in vocal support of Ron Paul's message,... on the floor of the House of Representatives. (Are you feeling the Revolution breathing down our necks yet?)
By holding a rally literally next door right after the end of the anti-Paul Forum, Ron Paul and his staff hope to gain most of the Forum’s audience and a lion’s share of the press attention. Ron Paul will speak at the rally, which will be "most
Though the next president will probably command soldiers in two separate wars, few of those hoping to win the job can say they've ever seen combat or even taken abuse from a drill sergeant.
Former EPA boss Christie Todd Whitman says she urged Ground Zero workers to wear respirators, but then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani blocked her efforts. City officials didn't want EPA workers wearing haz-mat suits because they "didn't want this i
Democratic presidential hopeful Chris Dodd is issuing a call for community service that aims to create the first generation in which everyone serves their country.
[Paul not included] The "Law & Order" candidate isn't officially running for president, but he's Nevadans' top pick to be the Republican nominee, according to a new poll.
A statewide poll of presidential preferences conducted.
June 24, 2007 -- The Arizona Conservative calls on Arizona's senior senator to withdraw from the presidential race. If you agree that McCain should bow out of the race, send your name to The Arizona Conservative for listing on this page. John Mc
THE former presidential front-runner, John McCain, may drop out of the 2008 race by September if his fund raising dries up and his poll ratings continue to drop, according to Republican insiders. [FEC should release quarterly report July 16.]
There can be little question that Ron Paul is the most conservative candidate running in the Republican race. His long record in the House proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt. And yet, there seem to be many conservatives who have ruled him out for
wow a MSM article about Ron Paul: What is the purpose of Ron Paul's candidacy for the presidency of the United States? The Texas congressman recently appeared on Fox News to explain himself. "I want to be president because I have this dream
Decorated Iraq war veteran Anthony Circosta seemed like an ideal candidate for a pardon from then-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for his boyhood conviction for a BB gun shooting. Romney said no - twice - despite the recommendation of the state's
Barack Obama provides no alternative to Hillary Clinton, in terms of imperial-minded foreign policy. This is doubly regrettable since Clinton herself provides no substantive alternative to the neocon philosophy of the Bush adminstration.
More anti-LDS comments enter the 2008 Presidential campaign. This week, a volunteer for John McCain claimed Mormons fund the terrorist group Hamas, and criticized how members of the LDS faith treat women.
It was a McCain for President volunteer wh
Although Fred Thompson has yet to formally announce that he is running for President, the media are already looking for ways to take down his campaign and make Thompson less appealing to Republican primary voters. Thompson, referred to as “a Southern
McCain "may be relying on phantom fundraising events to convince supporters his second quarter fundraising won't be as disappointing as the first." This comes out of Florida, where the Tampa Tribune notes that events appearing on John M
John McCain, who made his name attacking special interests, has more lobbyists working on his staff or as advisers than any of his competitors, Republican or Democrat.
Bill and Hillary Clinton have raised eyebrows on Wall Street by liquidating a multi-million dollar stock portfolio just ahead of what may be a major stock market downturn.
I have to admit being shocked – and somewhat baffled – by his lobbying efforts on behalf of Jean Bertrand Aristide, the former president of Haiti, a committed leftist and anti-American demagogue
Dr. Paul will share his message of freedom, peace and prosperity at the Hy-Vee Hall, Room C, Iowa Events Center, 730 Third Street, Des Moines, Iowa. The rally will start immediately following the conclusion of the Presidential Candidates Forum spons
"A word to the wise: if you present yourself as a supporter of Ron Paul, you will never get elected as a delegate. Wave the flag, shout power to the GOP, rah, rah, rah, get elected and then begin your campaign to get Ron Paul nominated."