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Joe Sobran

He doesn’t belong in a party that has made “conservative” a synonym for “destructive.” George Will calls him a “useful anachronism” because he actually believes, as literally as circumstances permit, in the U.S. Constitution.

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NY Times

THE former presidential front-runner, John McCain, may drop out of the 2008 race by September if his fund raising dries up and his poll ratings continue to drop, according to Republican insiders. [FEC should release quarterly report July 16.]

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Decorated Iraq war veteran Anthony Circosta seemed like an ideal candidate for a pardon from then-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for his boyhood conviction for a BB gun shooting. Romney said no - twice - despite the recommendation of the state's

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Counterpunch(Jeff Taylor)

Barack Obama provides no alternative to Hillary Clinton, in terms of imperial-minded foreign policy. This is doubly regrettable since Clinton herself provides no substantive alternative to the neocon philosophy of the Bush adminstration.

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Accuracy in Media

Although Fred Thompson has yet to formally announce that he is running for President, the media are already looking for ways to take down his campaign and make Thompson less appealing to Republican primary voters. Thompson, referred to as “a Southern

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The Democratic Party

McCain "may be relying on phantom fundraising events to convince supporters his second quarter fundraising won't be as disappointing as the first." This comes out of Florida, where the Tampa Tribune notes that events appearing on John M