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College Times

Paul’s campaign has even received support from other organizations not officially affiliated with his presidential campaign. The best example of this is the “Ron Paul Revolution,” which plasters hand-made signs on chain link fences.

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ABC News

Though often regarded as a longshot candidate for president, Republican Ron Paul tells ABC News that he has an impressive $2.4 million in cash on hand after raising an equal amount during the second quarter, putting him ahead of one-time Republican f

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Capitol Hill Blue

Rudy Giuliani emerged as the winner in the GOP presidential money contest this quarter, raising more and spending less than both of his leading rivals. Mitt Romney tapped his personal wealth for a $6.5 million loan and John McCain's campaign

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Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney, who rails against pornography, is being criticized by social conservatives who argue that he should have tried to halt hardcore hotel movie offerings during his near-decade on the Marriott board. Two

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Ron Paul came anyway to give his own separate speech in a place where they could not ban him. He brought with him the most incredible army of volunteers and supporters. (A very good article to give you a full picture of the events on both sides)

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Max Raskin for

Fred Thompson can do nothing but profess to be another neoconservative warmonger. When their limited government credentials are stacked side-by-side, not only do Ron Paul’s tower over Thompson’s, Ru Paul’s do.

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Youtube links

I got such a treat Saturday, June 30th, 2007 folks! I got to see Ron Paul speak in Des Moines, Iowa, after being excluded from the Presidential Candidates Forum put on by Ed Failor of Iowans for Tax Relief. Dr. Paul was in the same building as Fai