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Regan said the smear campaign stems from her past intimate relationship with Kerik, who was police commissioner under former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and from the political agenda of News Corp. (Murdoch)

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US News and World Report

McCain really seemed to have no clue what Ron Paul was talking about when Paul asked him a question about the President's Working Group on Financial Markets—the so-called Plunge Protection Team—consisting of the Treasury secretary, the Fed chairm

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This mashup explores the similarities between McCain's answer to an economics question at the Florida Republican Debate and Miss Teen South Carolina. (I knew that debate segment would have legs - Dr. Paul is a genius :)

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"It appears that Ron Paul supporters outnumbered the supporters of any of his opponents. But since this was predicted, the supporters of Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, cooperated to set up a "fusion" slate

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WASHINGTON (AP) - Don't look to crown any presidential nominees on Super Tuesday. The race for delegates is so close in both parties that it is mathematically impossible for any candidate to lock up the nomination on Feb. 5.

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New York Times

ABC News on Wednesday scrapped plans for a three-person Republican presidential candidate debate, citing scheduling conflicts between John McCain, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee.

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Democrat Dennis Kucinich, a liberal member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Cleveland, Ohio, told the Cleveland Plain-Dealer he would make his withdrawal announcement on Friday in that city. Only one of two anti-war candidates in the

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On February 1st, Dr. Ron Paul & his wife, Carol, celebrate their 51st wedding anniversary! In honor of the Paul's outstanding family values, please add your pledge to donate $51 (or as much as possible) to the Ron Paul official campaign on Febru

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Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has unveiled a comprehensive economic revitalization package. The four-pronged plan is designed to stem the current economic slide and address the unsound governmental policies that are harming Americans’

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Yahoo News

Broadcast live on MSNBC and streamed on from 9-10:30 p.m. EST, the debate will be moderated by NBC’s Brian Williams. He will be joined by Tim Russert, as well as St. Petersburg Times editor Paul Tash.
