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A risky fighting strategy of absorbing your opponents blows while conserving your own strength. How does this apply to Presidential politics in 2008?

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"We feel the best strategy is to focus our paid messaging in Michigan," Romney spokesman Kevin Madden said. The decision comes on the heels of back-to-back second-place finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire for the former Massachusetts governo

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Lew Rockwell

It was always Murray Rothbard's argument that while we might from time to time be short-term pessimists, we should always be long term optimists, for many reasons from economics and history. Look at what Ron Paul has done.

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Brad Blog

The pre-election pollster's numbers (NOTE: that's not Exit Polls, but Pre-Election Polls!) were dead-on, for the most part, on the Republican side, as well as on the Democratic side. Except in the do-or-die (for Hillary) Clinton v. Obama race

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Boston Globe

His didn't upstage the Republican frontrunners in New Hampshire, but Ron Paul said Tuesday he will continue on, raising issues that have riled many other Republicans and raising record amounts of cash on the Internet. "There's really no

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HOW TO READ EXIT AND ENTRANCE POLLS: The first column of numbers in each table shows how many voters fall into each category; those numbers should be read down. The remaining figures show how each category voted; those numbers should be read across

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The Understudy

On the campaign trail, we often hear about the overwhelming presence of Ron Paul everywhere you turn. Yesterday, Anderson Cooper of CNN noted that everywhere he went in New Hampshire, he saw significant Ron Paul support.

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A quick round-up of reaction to the New Republic's cache of Ron Paul's awful and embarrassing "Ron Paul" newsletters (which Nick Gillespie commented on, and Dave Weigel hustled a terse Paul response). also

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The Texas Congressman who was blanked last night from a "forum" produced by Fox News, cancelled his lone planned campaign appearance in the New Hampshire today and chartered a plane for Burbank to appear on The Tonight Show.

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Mighty Rex

This is for those of you who say "To heck with that!" and are more interested in voting for a candidate based on snap judgments and small pop culture sound bites. ... I mean really, look how Bush turned out ...

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Muckraker Report

It looks like the Fox News plan to squelch Ron Paul’s message of authentic, constitutional liberty and freedom has backfired. CNN is congratulated for giving Ron Paul the time today to discuss the Fox News censorship, which he...

News Link • Global Reported By Ed Haas
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American Conservative / James Antle III

Ron Paul isn’t just running for president. The antiwar 10-term congressman from Texas hopes that as titular head of the Republican Party, he can nudge the Right in a less interventionist direction, both at home and abroad.

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Houston Chronicle

Shut out of a GOP presidential candidate forum sponsored by Fox News, Ron Paul staged his own televised town hall meeting today in which he fielded questions from undecided voters two days before the key primary election here.