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On the other hand, John McCain is a great friend to Big Business. Similarly, he is a friend to Big Government and Big Brother. He is also a friend to open borders, supranational government, regionalism, and American imperialism.

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Drudge Report

[Worth it for the included picture alone!] Republican presidential hopeful John McCain has confided to his inner circle that Hillary Clinton may yet be the Democratic nominee, a development the senator from Arizona would personally welcome!

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Human Events

Having cheerfully confessed he knows little about economics, John McCain is advancing himself as a foreign-policy president, a "realistic idealist." Judging from the content of his speech, McCain is no more a realist than he is reflective

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Bob Barr has let himself get talked into seeking the presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party with the full support of Ron Paul. Which means it looks like the R3VOLution is not only alive and kicking, it's also in the best possible positi

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Although US troops have been in Iraq for 5 years now, we have only just begun. We can expect the great grandchildren of the current US soldiers in Iraq to be there as well assuming these soldiers make it back to the US to have children.

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Budweiser, then NASCAR's official beer, is brewed by Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc., whose products have made Cindy McCain and her family a fortune.

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Mr. Chairman, I stand opposed to the regulations being discussed today because I opposed the underlying bill upon which these regulations are based. The ban on Internet gambling infringes upon two freedoms that are important to many Americans: the ab

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Hillary Clinton released her tax returns for the years 2000 to 2006 late Friday afternoon, ending weeks of speculation over her delay in making them public.The New York senator had initially said that she would not release them unless she was the Dem

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McCain recalled ancestors buried at Arlington National Cemetery, and mused about "the honor we earn and the love we give when we work and sacrifice with others for a cause greater than our self-interest."
