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There's no question John McCain is getting a free ride from the mainstream press. But with the power of YouTube and the blogosphere, we can provide an accurate portrayal of the so-called Maverick. We can put the brakes on his free ride! Since we

News Link • Global Reported By Renee Houlihan
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Robert Novak - Chicago Sun Times

There's no sign the resources of Rep. Ron Paul's Republican presidential campaign will be made available to former GOP Rep. Bob Barr as the Libertarian Party candidate, but McCain strategists fear that will be the case.

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Washington Post

Top fundraisers for Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama have begun private talks aimed at merging the two candidates' teams, not waiting for the Democratic nominating process to end (I still say it's going to be Clinton :)

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"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and expect that other countries are going to say OK," Obama said. "That's not leadership. That's not going to happen.

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Judicial Watch / C-SPAN

A panel discussion was held on issues which have not received enough attention from the media during the election season. Topics included political scandals, problems in the campaign finance system, and the current and future battle over judges.

News Link • Global Reported By Trouser Chili
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Washington Times

Hillary's Rose Law Firm billing records, found in the White House residence two years after they had been subpoenaed, "disappeared" shortly after she was warned that the Whitewater investigation could result in criminal charges.

News Link • Global Reported By Trouser Chili
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[I am not sure this is true.] Her position, part of a formidable comeback challenge, is that all the delegates be seated in accordance with their disputed primaries. And even if they were, it wouldn't erase Barack Obama's growing lead in d

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McCain acknowledged he has been no darling of gun-rights advocates, having pushed through signature campaign finance legislation gun supporters say has muzzled free speech, and favored tighter restrictions for buying guns at gun shows.

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May Way

Republican John McCain declared for the first time Thursday he believes the Iraq war can be won by 2013, although he rejected suggestions that his talk of a timetable put him on the same side as Democrats clamoring for full-scale troop withdrawals

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Thomas Knapp

There are only two reasonably likely outcomes in Iraq: An orderly withdrawal on an announced timetable, or a "last helicopter out of Saigon as the embassy is overrun" scenario. Barr has now publicly positioned himself in support of the latt