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The Obama Enemy List was published on Barack Obama's campaign site, Labeled "Smear, Inc." it consists of six conservative activists, including James Lacy, a lawyer for the Minutemen. Talk about a smear.

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The McCain administration would reserve all savings from victory in the Iraq and Afghanistan operations in the fight against Islamic extremists for reducing the deficit. (WTF)

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The presidential election is about four months away. Many Americans may be having difficulty making a choice. The mainstream media has chosen Obama and McCain for you. Are they your only choices? Absolutely not! For those who disliked Hillary, are

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The Fourth of July Freedom Slate '08 Money Bomb was supposed to raise millions for liberty-minded candidates across the country, but less than $20 thousand was raised yesterday. What happened?

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The Bush administration has begun expanding the Army and Marines to a combined strength of 750,000 -- a process backed by Sen. Obama. But McCain believes a combined strength of 900,000 troops is necessary,

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Earthling Blues

Barack Obama pissed off lots of his supporters by breaking his promise and caving on FISA. They were so pissed off by this flagrant violation of Obama’s own one-word platform that he thought he ought to say something to make them feel better.

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The Buffalo News

GOP strategist Karl Rove and former Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards will debate the issues of the presidential campaign Sept. 26 as part of the university’s Distinguished Speakers Series

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The New York Times

Senator Barack Obama said Thursday the United States cannot sustain a long-term military presence in Iraq, but added that he would be open to “refine” his policies about a timeline for withdrawing troops after meeting with American military commander

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Patriotism is deeper than its symbolic expressions, than sentiments about place and kinship that move us to hold our hands over our hearts during the national anthem. It is putting the country first, before party or personal ambition, before anything

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Back in May, we reported that the “Ron Paul Twins” were asking for an interview from the Constitution Party’s presidential candidate, Chuck Baldwin. The Ron Paul Twins were popular youtube sensations amongst the Ron Paul grassroots.

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McCain's adviser (Mr. Eisenstadt) wants to use the same uniform for Iraqi servants in the Green Zone. So whether you were a Sunni, Shiite, or Kurd, you will be working in the brand new casinos with the saaaaame outfit...."

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