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Human Events

Why does Barack think a surge of 10,000 troops will succeed in winning a war in which we have failed to prevail after seven years of fighting? How many more troops is he prepared to commit? Is the Obama commitment open-ended?

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Republican presidential candidate John McCain's signal that he may be open to a higher payroll tax [on young people] for Social Security [to keep his SS checks coming], despite previous vows not to raise taxes of any kind, is drawing sharp rebuke

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Barack Obama was born of Communist activists, mentored by a communist writer and activist, spent his college days hanging around radical activists, worked as a radical community organizer learning the radical tactics of Alinsky, kept contact with rad

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Michael Shedlock / Mish

If runaway government spending is part of the problem (and it is clear that it is), then it should be equally clear that runaway government spending is NOT the solution.

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But in a rare signal of solidarity with the current Republican administration, Obama told a news conference in Paris on Friday that Iran should not wait for the next U.S. president to try to reach a deal over its nuclear program.

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by Glenn Greenwald (Salon)

Cass Sunstein -- both due to his relationship to Obama and, independently, to his new marriage -- is one of the most inside of Obama insiders. He has simultaneously been an unusually vocal defender of some of the worst Bush radicalism

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by Devvy Kidd

As the colonials of 1775 had reached the point of no return with King George, so have we the people with the deliberate looting of the people's purse without representation, never ending wars and efforts to integrate the USA with 2 foreign

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by Bill Dupray in: Barack Obama, Liberals, Patriot

Barack Obama recently finished a $500,000 total overhaul of his 757. And as part of the new design, he decided to remove the American flag from the tail. What American running for President of the United States would remove the symbol of his country?

News Link • Global Reported By Bruce Barton
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Yes, just like former maverick John McCain, who has refashioned himself as a mindless rubber stamp for the most inane policies of the miserably failed Bush administration. Both candidates are embracing, the fundamental irrationality of Bush’s “war on