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Science, Medicine and Technology

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Dmitry Itskov spoke at the Global Future 2045 Conference (GF2045) wherein he said that he would like to see technology developed that would allow human consciousness to be inputted into artificial computer neuro-brains and hologram bodies. In 2020

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Menke
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Whether you need to map out a landscape or discover an ancient city, lidar — an advanced application of laser technology — is probably your best bet.

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But in reality, such a scenario will never actually occur. On the contrary, young people will most likely flee the system in droves once they realize that their insurance premiums are set to rise dramatically in response to Obamacare. As evidenced by

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Demonizing and criminalizing some drugs, while approving others without rational criteria, is clearly arbitrary and deceitful. Why are marijuana users criminals while alcohol and tobacco users are not?

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linically, we have seen in these diseases a strong correlation to infections including viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections, along with tick-borne infections like chronic Lyme disease complex. To complicate matters, it is not uncommon f