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Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she followed all Senate rules when she accepted rides on a private jet from a longtime benefactor. "Whatever I've done, I complied with Senate rules at the time. That's the way every senator operates,

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Christian Party

The law licenses of two former Internal Revenue Service (income tax) lawyers have been suspended for two years after a federal court ruling last year that they defrauded the U.S. Courts so that the I.R.S. could win 1,300 tax shelter cases. W. Kenneth

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The city of Springfield, Missouri prepared for the installation of a red light camera system by slashing the yellow warning time by one second at 105 intersection signals across the city. A one-second reduction in yellow time resulted in a 100% incre

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Federal Times

An Office of Special Counsel report has found that General Services Administration chief Lurita Doan violated the Hatch Act, which bars federal officials from partisan political activity while on the job, sources say. [when I was a thug, this was ser

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The stunning revelation that ex-Marines Hector Alvarez and Miguel "Mike" Castillo admitted to trying to force their way into an East Pierrepont Avenue home and rob a man they suspected of selling drugs came Monday during their first appeara

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"This involves hundreds of guns," said retired police detective Ray Britt, one of four current and former officers who told The Inquirer that police routinely resold seized firearms. "Lots of people knew it was happening, and some off

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McClatchy News

Fired U.S. Attorney John McKay said Sunday he believes the Justice Department is covering up the real reason for his ouster. “I can see why they would want to come up with an explanation other than the governor’s election for why I would be on suc

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Since the US-led invasion four years ago, the fifth estate has covered Iraq and the war on terror from virtually every angle--the military, media, intelligence, politics--revealing aspects of the story that you didn't find anywhere else. Now, as

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Think Progress

Six+ Senate Republicans have now called on Gonzales to resign. Specter said he believes support for the no confidence vote is “very substantial,” and that if Gonzales “sees that coming, that he would prefer to avoid that kind of an historical black m

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Paul Wolfowitz, whose resignation was announced on Thursday, took over the World Bank in mid-2005 carrying a legacy as an architect of the Iraq war that never ceased to trouble his critics inside and outside the poverty-fighting institution.

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KVOA News 4

While the suspect and the officer were away, Border Patrol agent Michael Carlos Gonzalez arrived on the scene. Gonzalez was supposed to guard the suspect's truck, loaded with marijuana. Instead, he helped himself to a 20 pound bundle. And the wh

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“In this case the officer had a scientific test, a scientific test which officers ask juries to believe everyday, which told the officer that my client was innocent,” Linehan said. And even with the knowledge that my client was innocent, he was stil

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