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The PPJ Gazette

One of the worst pseudo courts in the US is the system of probate courts. Across the board, in absolutely every state is a so-called court system that operates for profit at the expense of any individual or family unfortunate enough to have any asse

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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I know there are a lot of people who like to poke fun at the $1000.00 toilet seat or $700.00 hammer of old, and I do agree there is a lot of waste and cost overruns that need to stop at the Department of Defense. Absolutely. However, when you l

News Link • Global Reported By Rich Hilts
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Mark Thompson, Time Magazine

Contracts just announced by the Pentagon. It's paying 4 companies as much as $281.7 million each for an "indefinite-delivery/indefinite quantity contract to provide advisory and assistance services" to the U.S. military's Missile Defense Agency.

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The impact of this could be substantial. Consider inventory — using CoreLogic;s methodology, unsold inventory in November 2010 was16 months of supply, not the 9.5 months the NAR claimed.

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"The indispensable people” had to suffer the hypocrisy of the U.S. Secretary of State delivering a speech about America’s commitment to Internet freedom while the U.S. Department of Justice (sic) brought unconstitutional action against Twitter...

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Foreclose in your own name, and come to court with your documents - real ones (if you have them, and I bet in many cases they no longer exist!) or buzz off for the next three months. That ought to have a really interesting impact on the housing...

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“MERS and its partners made the decision to create and operate under a business model that was designed in large part to avoid the requirements of the traditional mortgage-recording process. The court does not accept the argument...

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The PPJ Gazette

O’Brien is arguing that Sally Lanaham, an attorney, Gregory Miller, an attorney, and Michael Longyear, an attorney, misrepresented their capacity to the courts. It is O’brien’s contention that these individuals, by way of their removal of Do

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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This Court does not accept the argument that because MERS may be involved with 50% of all residential mortgages in the country, that is reason enough for this Court to turn a blind eye to the fact that this process does not comply with the law.

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The PPJ Gazette

”Under this option, any facility could become a focal point for public, media or Congressional attention. Increased levels of security would be needed at all locations, or the activity may need to be moved off-site to a more appropriate and secure

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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It is not Whitney’s fault that municipalities from one end of the country to the other have underfunded their pension plans, or that they have made costly promises, mostly but not exclusively to unions, that they are unlikely to be able to keep.