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If you think America's corporate management is paying protection money to Congress, you do not understand economic cause and effect. Corporate management is the Mob. It operates in terms of a system in which Congress serves as...

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Pajamas Media

A concealed carry killing raises dangerous questions. You don’t want to commit a crime in Las Vegas — at least not on TV. On the tube, you’ll be relentlessly pursued by a group of young, beautiful, highly educated and competent crime scene investiga

News Link • Global Reported By Justin Tyme
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The PPJ Gazette

When we think of human trafficking most of us immediately assume that this occurs only in the arena of sexual exploitation. At some point in time this may have been true. Today, human trafficking encompasses many forms and there is not one of us wh

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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The PPJ Gazette

“What We Witnessed” I describe the various situations we (David, my fiancée, and I) came across when visiting Rebecca Fierle victims in nursing homes—the shocking conditions—and when knocking on doors and interviewing family members.

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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Even though deciding which TBTF is the worst is like a having an ugly contest between Cinderella’s sisters, Wells Fargo may deserve pride of place. Yes, the Vampire Squid sorta owns the government. JP Morgan has too many people believing...

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The sheriff for Luna County is requesting that the entire Columbus Police Department step down until the federal investigation involving city leaders in a firearms trafficking ring is over. Sheriff Raymond Cobos asked the remaining trustees in Co

News Link • Global Reported By Justin Tyme